bazaarvoice / jolt

JSON to JSON transformation library written in Java.
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Nested lists and aggreagted data #1228

Open Pierrefreelance opened 6 months ago

Pierrefreelance commented 6 months ago

Hello everyone I need to several transformations, in order to nest data in list, and aggregate them. I'm more or less OK on the nest part, but I can't quite resolve how to aggregate them the way I want.

I have this in input :

[ { "market_id": "4501", "market_buyer_id": "Peter", "modif_id": "AST-12 ", "modif_length": "3", "modif_owner": "Alice", "modif_owner_title": "CEO" }, { "market_id": "4501", "market_buyer_id": "Peter", "modif_id": "AST-14 ", "modif_length": "4", "modif_owner": "Ken", "modif_owner_title": "accountant" }, { "market_id": "5021", "market_buyer_id": "Bob", "modif_id": "AST-16 ", "modif_length": "5", "modif_owner": "Ryu", "modif_owner_title": "counselor" } ]

I want to create a list named "market" which list each "market_id" (and other fields), and inside the "market_id" list, I want a sub-list named "modifications" which contains modif_id, modif_length, modif_owner and modif_owner_title. Here is what i manage to get :

{ "market" : [ { "id" : "4501", "modifications" : [ { "id" : "AST-12 ", "length" : "3", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Alice", "title" : "CEO" } ] } ] }, { "id" : "4501", "modifications" : [ { "id" : "AST-14 ", "length" : "4", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Ken", "title" : "accountant" } ] } ] }, { "id" : "5021", "modifications" : [ { "id" : "AST-16 ", "length" : "5", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Ryu", "title" : "counselor" } ] } ] } ] }

What i want is this, i'd like the modifications sub-list to actually list all the modification for a given market_id :

{ "market" : [ { "id" : "4501", "modifications" : [ { "id" : "AST-12 ", "length" : "3", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Alice", "title" : "CEO" }] } ,{ "id" : "AST-14 ", "length" : "4", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Ken", "title" : "accountant" }] }


}, { "id" : "5021", "modifications" : [ { "id" : "AST-16 ", "length" : "5", "owner" : [ { "name" : "Ryu", "title" : "counselor" } ] } ] } ] }

Here is my actual transformation :

[{ "operation": "shift", "spec": { "*": { "market_id": "market[#2].id", "modif_id": "market[#2].modifications[#3].id", "modif_length": "market[#2].modifications[#3].length", "modif_owner": "market[#2].modifications[#3].owner[#3].name", "modif_owner_title": "market[#2].modifications[#3].owner[#3].title"




gbouget commented 4 months ago


What do you think of the following specification?

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "@market_id.modifications[]" // regroup by market_id
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": "market[]"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "market": {
        "*": {
          "modifications": {
            "*": {
              "market_id": "market[&3].id",
              "market_buyer_id": "market[&3].modifications[&1].id",
              "modif_length": "market[&3].modifications[&1].length",
              "modif_owner": "market[&3].modifications[&1].owner[#0].name",
              "modif_owner_title": "market[&3].modifications[&1].owner[#0].title"
    "operation": "cardinality",
    "spec": {
      "market": {
        "*": {
          "id": "ONE"
