bazel-contrib / rules_dotnet

.NET rules for Bazel
Apache License 2.0
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Proposal: Robust dependency management #261

Closed hsyed-dojo closed 7 months ago

hsyed-dojo commented 3 years ago

Robust dependency management

Participants: @hsyed-dojo and @tomdegoede Reviewers: @purkhusid

Dependency management is arguably the most complex aspect of managing a Bazel build at scale. A dependency management solution is needed that will work ergonomically in a dual build setup (msbuild and bazel). This is one of the ingredients for full build generation #258 and is one of the changes we would like to bring in for increased adoption of these official rules #260.

We propose a solution that follows the developer experience, mechanics and patterns in use by rules_jvm_external.

Dotnet builds have a convention in the works for centralising the dependencies of a project. A top level Directory.Packages.props is a manifest for all the coordinates and versions in use by a solution. We propose that this file become the standard way of encoding dependencies for projects that use these rules.

Core points:

samhowes commented 3 years ago

I've done some thinking on this topic over in @rules_msbuild, thought I'd share what I've learned:

Bazel brings a unique challenge to the table for using Directory.Packages.props: NuGet packages have different dependency graphs for each target framework that the NuGet package supports.

Take NewtonSoft.Json for example: NETStandard 2.0 has no dependencies.

.NETStandard 1.0 depends on:

Directory.Packages.props only specifies the PackageId, but does not specify the frameworks to restore for. If a workspace only uses Netstandard2.0, and an implementation fetches the packages ahead of time without knowing what projects it is fetching for, then a naive implementation could end up fetching a bunch of NuGet dependencies for Netstandard1.0 that arent needed.

Over in @rules_msbuild, I accommodated this with a similar approach to Directory.Packages.props, but with a slight tweak: I specify the PackageId, and then the list of frameworks that depend on it. This way, packages can be fetched ahead of time without loading build files, and no unnecessary packages are fetched.

Example format automatically managed by @rules_msbuild//gazelle/dotnet

    name = "nuget",
    packages = {
        "NewtonSoft.Json/13.0.1": ["net5.0", "netstandard2.1"], # no transitive dependencies will be fetched

Given that a Directory.Packages.props file is just another project file to msbuild, this likely could also be handled by simply added metadata to the Package item, so long as that metadata name doesn't conflict with MSBuild's normal metadata for Packages:

        <PackageReference Include="NewtonSoft.Json" Version="13.0.1">

It would be a slight departure from the standard feature set of the Directory.Packages.props file, but definitely something that an automated tool could manage. @rules_msbuild//gazelle/dotnet would certainly be capable of outputting into this format with a little work on merging the XML files.

Automation is ideal for this type of Package management that specifies the TargetFramework, because the user would be required to maintain the TargetFramework in two places: once in the project file of the target assembly, and another place for bazel to know what dependency graph to fetch ahead of time.

Alternatively, the nuget tool could somehow parse all of the project files in the workspace that have packages specified, but that seems to be counter to Bazels approach of Loading, Analysis, and Execution separations. You would also most likely have to actually evaluate the project files, which is starting to encroach on performing an actual build.

Just my two cents!

tomdegoede commented 3 years ago

Hi @samhowes, thanks for your input! We have had the luck to not require multi-targeting (frameworks & runtimes) until now. In our approach we just managed THE TargetFramework from the nuget repository rule target_framework = "net5.0".

Currently I have a draft on Source Generators however which require to be built against netstandard2.0. My current approach here is just allowing a list of target_frameworks = ["net5.0", "netstandard2.0"]. This is slightly less flexible than specifying them per package and thus could potentially result in a larger restore graph.

I'm not sure if this is actually a problem when we implement the pinning behavior of rules_jvm_external. This would mean persisting the restore graph in a lock/pin file and only downloading the necessary nugets via http_archive when relevant targets are hit.

I think a combination of default behavior, that uses the standard Props file, with the ability to narrow it using <TargetFrameworks> annotations would be most flexible. Ideally we could stay away from complexity and only activate it when a user requires it.

purkhusid commented 3 years ago

I would like to come with a twist here! In the F# community there is a pretty popular package manager that has all these features out of the box (lock file, multi targeting, git references, etc.):

I'm using a small CLI tool that I wrote to consumer the Paket lockfile as an alternative to the current nuget2bazel. This has been working very well for us so far and the biggest upside is that I don't have to thing about any of the complicated dependency managment things since Paket takes care of it all. All I have to do is iterate over the Paket lock file and write out a nuget_package target rule for each package.

If anybody is interested in this approach I can share the code with not too much effort.

purkhusid commented 3 years ago

E.g. if I have this paket.dependencies file:

framework: net50, netstandard1.0

nuget Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.1

I get this paket.lock file

RESTRICTION: || (== net50) (== netstandard1.0)
    Microsoft.CSharp (4.7) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
    Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (5.0.4) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
    Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (5.0) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
    NETStandard.Library (2.0.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
    Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.1)
      Microsoft.CSharp (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
    System.Collections (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.ComponentModel (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.ComponentModel.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.0) (>= win8)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (>= wp8)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.ComponentModel (>= 4.3)
      System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Collections (>= 4.3)
      System.ComponentModel (>= 4.3)
      System.ComponentModel.Primitives (>= 4.3)
      System.Globalization (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3)
      System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3)
      System.Threading (>= 4.3)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Diagnostics.Tools (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Dynamic.Runtime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3)
      System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Globalization (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.IO (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3)
      System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3)
    System.Linq (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Collections (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Linq.Expressions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Net.Primitives (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3.1)
    System.ObjectModel (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Reflection (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.IO (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Reflection.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Reflection.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Resources.ResourceManager (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Globalization (>= 4.3)
      System.Reflection (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Runtime (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1.3)
    System.Runtime.Extensions (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3.1)
    System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Text.Encoding (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3)
    System.Text.RegularExpressions (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3.1)
    System.Threading (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3)
    System.Threading.Tasks (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
      Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
    System.Xml.ReaderWriter (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.IO (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3)
      System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3)
    System.Xml.XDocument (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (== net50) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (== net50) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (== netstandard1.0)
      System.IO (>= 4.3)
      System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
      System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3)
samhowes commented 3 years ago

@purkhusid Interesting to hear that youv'e found packet easier to work with compared to others tools, I haven't checked it out yet, but I think I will now!

Just want to clarify one thing: I am not talking about "multi-targeting" which is where a single project file is built multiple times. Instead I'm talking about having different projects in your workspace target different frameworks.

I.e. Foo.csproj is a ConsoleApp that targets net5.0, but Bar.csproj is a nuget library that targets Netstandard1.0

If Bar.csproj does not depend on Newtonsoft.Json, then Newtonsoft.Json should not be restored for Netstandard1.0. But if Bar.csproj depends on Serilog then we need to download the deps for serilog. So (without knowing the actual paket spec), we'd need something like:

framework: net50

nuget Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.1

framework: netstandard1.0

nuget Serilog 2.11.0

Does paket support that?

@tomdegoede That sounds like some convenient constraints you have! At my day-job, we have some projects that target netcoreapp2.2, some projects that target net5.0, some projects that target netstandard2.0, and other projects that target netstandard2.1, and most target netcoreapp3.1.

The projects that target netcoreapp2.2 are still on EntityFramework/2.2.6, and the other projects are on EntityFramework/3.1.4. So having a solution that supports multiple nuget package versions and restored for different frameworks is important for me. The projects with different EF versions are in separate "sections" of the codebase, so we don't have to worry about a netcoreapp2.2 project getting EF3.1 i.e. diamond dependencies.

My focus in @rules_msbuild has been making a "drop-in replacement for dotnet build", that may not be the focus of this proposal though.

With a packages.lock file, don't we have a chicken-and-egg problem? If the user has never restored packages, how do they get the packages.lock file to begin with? Sure, they could do dotnet restore, but what about external workspaces? If an external workspace, for example [@rules_msbuild//dotnet/tools/builder],( depends on, say Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core, how do we restore the packages for that workspace into the lock file if that workspace must be pulled by bazel?

I like the idea of the lock file restore for a more efficient restore and guaranteed restore graph though.

hsyed-dojo commented 3 years ago

@samhowes thank you for bringing this up, I'm learning the finer details as I go along.

An example rule generated by the nuget2bazel for importing packages looks as follows:

        name = "grpc.core",
        package = "grpc.core",
        version = "2.28.1",
        sha256 = "b625817b7e8dfe66e0894b232001b4c2f0e80aa41dc4dccb59d5a452ca36a755",
        core_lib = {
            "netcoreapp2.0": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
            "netcoreapp2.1": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
            "netcoreapp2.2": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
            "netcoreapp3.0": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
            "netcoreapp3.1": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
            "net5.0": "lib/netstandard2.0/Grpc.Core.dll",
        core_deps = {
            "netcoreapp2.0": [
            "netcoreapp2.1": [
            "netcoreapp2.2": [
            "netcoreapp3.0": [
            "netcoreapp3.1": [
            "net5.0": [
        core_files = {
            "netcoreapp2.0": [
            "netcoreapp2.1": [
            "netcoreapp2.2": [
            "netcoreapp3.0": [
            "netcoreapp3.1": [
            "net5.0": [

Framework specific elements seem to be modelled comprehensively. I Agree with @tomdegoede, the cost of resolving extra frameworks might be ok in the short term IMO and we can make it more granular at a later stage if needed. Developers maintaining the build already have everything resolved so the UX should be fine. Finer granularity upfront means manual maintenance overhead or the development of tooling now.

I think we should have a top level list of frameworks for which to resolve the transitive deps. We could extend the Directories.Packages.props with a top level element or just in the repository_rule --e.g.,

  targetFrameworks = ["netcore5.0", "netcore2.1"],
  dependencies_file = "Directories.Packages.props",
  lock_file = "directories_packages_lock.json"

  name = "nuget",
   lock_file = "directories_packages_lock.json"
tomdegoede commented 3 years ago

@samhowes thats my bad. I misused the term multi-targeting for the more general "having to worry about multiple target platforms / runtimes".

Your scenario is very interesting. I think that having multiple versions of the same dependency is sort of a Bazel anti-pattern. Nonetheless we should be able to support this using multiple Directory.Build.Props resulting in differente @nuget-* external repositories. Considering your workspace is separated like this already I think this should not be a problem. I believe you also create a separate restore target for each compile target right?

We could also argue that we can reduce the complexity of a single nuget_repository to a single targetFramework. When we target multiple frameworks we can then just configure multiple nuget_repositories like @nuget-net5.0 and @nuget-nestandard2.0. Separating the downloading of nugets into http_archive targets would mean the overhead of this wouldn't be that big. On the other hand the compatibility hierarchy between the TargetFrameworks and the fact that a single nuget package already contains all of them makes me think this is sub-optimal. I'm not sure how we could embed different versions of the same package in a single @nuget though, which I think could occur when targeting multiple different framework versions.

purkhusid commented 3 years ago

@samhowes It is supported by Paket to have multiple dependency groups:

In my CLI I generate different targets for each group:

E.g. if this were the paket.dependencies file:



group Build


group Test



Then my tool generates packages for each group that are accessible as:

@paket.<group name>.<package name>//:lib
njlr commented 3 years ago

@purkhusid Would you be able to open-source this tool? I am interested in trying it.

purkhusid commented 3 years ago

@njlr Do you specifically want to use Paket or do you just need a better tool for NuGet packages in Bazel? The tool is not currently in shape for sharing it but I might have time soon to clean it up and share it.

We are looking into using a fairly new feature in NuGet which allows centrally managing packages and generating a lock file. If we'll be successful we'll probably make that the default way for 3rd party dependencies in rules_dotnet

njlr commented 3 years ago

I am interested in using Paket; I also tried to create a similar tool. Unfortunately my attempts with F# and Bazel failed due to a few other issues (,

purkhusid commented 3 years ago

@njlr Ok, I'll take a look at this as soon as I can. My bandwidth is fairly limited at the moment but I hope I can do some rules_dotnet work soon.

purkhusid commented 1 year ago

The Paket support works very well at the moment and is now on master. Me and @tomdegoede have been looking into adding support for parsing a central Directory.Packages.props( but it's still WIP.

Place1 commented 1 year ago

I've been looking at implementing a solution based on packages.lock.json microsoft blog post.

I was able to write a small script that converts the lock file into a nuget_repo but I found I had to manually update the sha512 value for each dependency because of this implementation detail regarding the contentHash calculation from nuget.

Just wanted to post this in case someone's interested in this approach as an alternative to paket.

purkhusid commented 7 months ago

I'm going to close this issue since the Paket approach is well supported at the moment. Feel free to open a new issue specifically for a non-paket solution.