bazel-contrib / rules_oci

Bazel rules for building OCI containers
Apache License 2.0
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FR: Support custom WWW-Authenticate schemes to extend known registry auth schemes. #126

Open jbgcarnes opened 1 year ago

jbgcarnes commented 1 year ago

the bzlmod pull extension doe not currently authenticate properly with remote repository. I believe the headers are set incorrectly as you will get a 401 Unauthorized when attempting to pull from a private registry.

example MODULE.bazel:

bazel_dep(name = "rules_oci", version = "0.3.8")
oci = use_extension("@rules_oci//oci:extensions.bzl", "oci")
    name = "oci",
    crane_version = "v0.14.0",
    zot_version = "",

   name = "private_distroless_static",
   image = "my.private.repo/distroless/static-debian11",
   digest = "sha256:sha_digest",

use_repo(oci, "private_distroless_static", "oci_crane_toolchains", "oci_crane_registry_toolchains")
register_toolchains("@oci_crane_toolchains//:all", "@oci_crane_registry_toolchains//:all")

in a BUILD.bazel file:

load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image")

   name = "test",
   base = "@private_distroless_static",

This will produce the error:
Error in download: Error in downloading my_registry/v2/distroless/static-debian11/manifest/sha256:sha
: GET returned 401 Unauthorized

I can confirm that the credentials are set:

echo "my.private.repo" | crane get auth
{"Username": "myuser", "Secret": "correct_secret"}

And adding a print in oci/pull.bzl:

current auth is:
""", pattern)

does show it found the correct username and password.

Finally, I was able to pull images using those credentials using crane copy, so I know the credentials are correct.

I even tried modifying the auth pattern to use bearer tokens:

pattern = {
"type": "pattern",
"pattern": "Bearer <password>",
"password": "password",

which fails. Is there something I'm missing?

alexeagle commented 1 year ago

I think this is already fixed at HEAD, @jbgcarnes do you mind syncing to the latest and see if you can reproduce?

jtcarnes commented 1 year ago

Will test out Monday and report back

jbgcarnes commented 1 year ago

@alexeagle tried it out this morning, it still returns 401 unauthorized (tain, tested locally with crane pull and crane will download)

I tested this with commit 629355

In MODULE.bazel

bazel_dep(name= "rules_oci", version = "0.3.9")

# Providing git override for testing HEAD
  module_name = "rules_oci",
  # for brevity, simplified here
  remote = rules_oci_url,
  commit = "62935547208...."
# toolchain and image
oci_toolchain = use_extension("@rules_oci//oci:extensions.bzl", "oci")
  name = "oci",
  crane_version = "v0.14.0",
  zot_version = "",

  name = "distroless_static",
  image = "private-registry/distroless/static-debian11",
  digest = "sha256...."

use_repo(oci_toolchain, "distroless_static", "oci_crane_toolchains", "oci_crane_registry_toolchains")
register_toolchains("@oci_crane_toolchains//:all", "@oci_crane_registry_toolchains//:all")

This produces: error downloading .... : GET returned 401 Unauthorized

jbgcarnes commented 1 year ago

Could it be the changes that you did to oci_pull weren't then incorporated into the MODULES? (I can see that there was some code repetition in your TODO comment.

thesayyn commented 1 year ago

Could it be the changes that you did to oci_pull weren't then incorporated into the MODULES? (I can see that there was some code repetition in your TODO comment.

I see it now. thanks for the hint.

alexeagle commented 1 year ago

Yeah the syntax sugar change I just made in the oci_pull macro also needs to be made a second time in the module extension.

thesayyn commented 1 year ago

@alexeagle i am taking this too.

elmarcelest commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem without using bzlmod, is this expected? From the discussion above it sounded to me like using WORKSPACE & http_archive to pull the latest version should work, but I'm getting a 401 as well.

I'm using this in the workspace

    name = "rules_oci",
    sha256 = "076801d2128b072864241a3ed09f8557ff41737c6781b42579087c29686aefa7",
    strip_prefix = "rules_oci-80e9dd7d9c0deceed2d83e82bcf5c9c27d1bd90f",
    url = "",

And then I have a private digital ocean registry

    name = "chromium_nodejs_base",
    image = "<whatever>/<whatever>",
    digest = "sha256:e061061a87ebff3ac23fb88b54ed3f18f1b3cb4a38b14271c53cede797de3cbe",

I am correctly logged in and the oci_push works but the oci_pull doesn't.


thesayyn commented 1 year ago

I checked out the bzlmod extensions but couldn't find any issues over there. I'll need a reproduction repo for this. my guess is that private-registry and are not in the WWW-Authenticate scheme so we are not properly authenticating here.

jbgcarnes commented 1 year ago

To give you a solid target to try against: i'm using an internal gitlab container registry and getting the 401s (just tried it off of HEAD so still an issue)

thesayyn commented 1 year ago

taking this off the 1.0 milestone as we know this is not a bzlmod issue that needs to be fixed before 1.0. we can add support for additional WWW-Authenticate schemes later.

nightrune commented 1 year ago

This effectively blocks my org from using this. Is there any timeline then?

thesayyn commented 1 year ago

I need a repro to see what's broken.

jhchabran commented 1 year ago

@thesayyn I've reproduced the problem + poc'ed a fix over if you want to take a look.

TL;DR, current code doesn't deal with "credsHelpers" which gcloud based auth uses.

jbgcarnes commented 1 year ago

There must be more then one issue then. My current issue does not use credsHelpers and still has this issue. My dockerconfig is more standard to something like gitlab, ie: ~/.docker/config.json

  "auths": {
      "": {
         "auth": "standard_token_base64"
NilsIrl commented 10 months ago

Facing {a similar,the same} issue. I see that the rules_oci maintains a hard-coded list of known registries that use WWW-authentication:

Could it be that the issue is happening on self-managed GitLab instances?

jbgcarnes commented 10 months ago

@NilsIrl you are 100% correct.

I am trying to pull and push images from a self managed Gitlab instance. The push works, as it parses the credential file at ~/.docker/config.json.

The problem is pulling the base image. That does not work as the rules currently only look for the hard-coded list of registries to use WWW-authentication.