bazel-xcode / PodToBUILD

An easy way to integrate CocoaPods into Bazel
Apache License 2.0
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Using with swift project (swift_library) #181

Open tgprojet opened 2 years ago

tgprojet commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am trying to use this macro with a project that is built using swift_library

I've created the Pods.WORKSPACE file with the following content

  name = "CryptoSwift",
  url = "",
  inhibit_warnings = True,
  podspec_url = ""

Added the following lines to the root WORKSPACE

    name = "rules_pods",
    urls = [""],

load("@rules_pods//BazelExtensions:workspace.bzl", "new_pod_repository")

But when I try to use it as follows


    name = ".......
    deps = [

I get the next error:

no such target '//Vendor/CryptoSwift:CryptoSwift': target 'CryptoSwift' not declared in package 'Vendor/CryptoSwift' defined by

johndpope commented 1 year ago

did you try running bazel run @rules_pods//:update_pods -- --src_root $PWD

this should checkout to the vendor folder

    name = "rules_pods",
    urls = [""],