bazelbuild / bazelisk

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Bazelisk run doesn't propagate signals to the child process #512

Open jschaf opened 8 months ago

jschaf commented 8 months ago


The situation to reproduce is a bit complex:

  1. I have Go binary at //erp/dev.
  2. //erp/dev runs other processes via bazelisk run, notably a Go-wrapper around Postgres.

The resulting process tree:

bazelisk run //erp/dev 
  # Starts a Go binary
  # The Go binary in turn calls the Go-wrapper for Postgres
  bazelisk run //db/go_postgres
    # go_postgres is a Go binary that calls the Postgres binary

The problem is that if //erp/dev sends SIGINT directly to the //db/go_postgres using the Go stdlib exec.Cmd, bazelisk run swallows the signal.

However, if I type ctrl-c at the terminal, Postgres receives the signal. I think this is because the shell wires up the process attributes differently from Go (maybe


As for why bazelisk run has this behavior:

Previously, when running bazelisk run under a shell, typing ctrl-c would send SIGINT twice to the child process. I think that's the same behavior I saw--processes started with Go propagate signals differently from processes started by the shell. noted the issue and recommended ignoring SIGINT. The resulting PR fixed the issue by ignoring SIGINT but has a few related problems

The relevant bazelisk code:

func runBazel(/*omitted*/) (int, error) {
    cmd := makeBazelCmd()

    c := make(chan os.Signal)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {
        s := <-c

        // Only forward SIGTERM to our child process.
        if s != os.Interrupt {

The two related problems:

  1. The channel isn't buffered, meaning the signal delivery isn't guaranteed. From

    Package signal will not block sending to c: the caller must ensure that c has sufficient buffer space to keep up with the expected signal rate. For a channel used for notification of just one signal value, a buffer of size 1 is sufficient.

    See also:

  2. The code calls cmd.Process.Kill(), which sends SIGKILL; it doesn't forward the caught signal.

Design sketch

For my use case, I'd like to be able to forward whatever signal I want when starting processes via bazelisk run from Go. This is particularly important for Postgres, which has robust signal handling:

As a path forward (not yet validated) that avoids the double signaling:

  1. bazelisk run starts processes so that automatic signal propagation is disabled:
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
    Setpgid: true,
    Pgid:    0,
  1. bazelisk run forwards all signals to the child process. We avoid the double SIGINT via step 1.