bazelbuild / platforms

Constraint values for specifying platforms and toolchains
Apache License 2.0
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Platform Commonalities: e.g. Apple, POSIX, etc. #37

Open cpsauer opened 2 years ago

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

Hi wonderful Bazel Platforms folks!

First and foremost, thanks for working to create something centralized and great here. It's so nice to have official support for modeling cross-platform code with platform-specific backends (among other goodies).

I'd like to float an idea for making official something I find myself rebuilding pretty much every time I use platforms.

Lots of platforms (err constraint_values) have considerable code in common. It can be nice to select on this commonality. Some examples are: Apple Platforms. POSIX/UNIX-compliant platforms. Etc.

It's not hard to model these (example below), but it'd be awesome to have them in the @platforms repo for everyone to use!

load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
    name = "Apple",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    match_any = ["@platforms//os:macos", "@platforms//os:ios", "@platforms//os:tvos", "@platforms//os:watchos"],

Happy to contribute of course--and would have made this a PR--except that I'm not sure quite how this repo is being automagically integrated into Bazel proper. Therefore I wasn't sure how to properly get skylib.

Thanks again, additionally for your consideration! Chris (ex-Googler)

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

@gregestren, is this the right place for issues like this, or should I have filed on the main Bazel repo? (Seemed like most of the ones here aren't getting replies.)

gregestren commented 2 years ago

Interesting (and sorry I missed this the first time around). I think this is the right repo to discuss this and my intuition is this could be a good fit. I'd like to discuss this with the configurability team so I'll add it to their sync agenda and report back after our next sync.

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for being so great to work with, @gregestren :)

gregestren commented 2 years ago

We chatted about this (@katre @aranguyen @aiuto @sdtwigg ).

I'm honestly not sure what the right path is.

All that said, I do want this repo to remain relevant and serve its purpose. So I'm throwing these ideas out there for further consideration from all.

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for leading the discussion! (Always happy to hop into a GVC if useful.)

Thoughts back in case they're helpful:

So what do you think? Would you be open to having POSIX and Apple here, expressed as convenient sets of OSs that match on their constituents--if it didn't use skylib?

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

Another good use case, sparked by CPUs, in addition to OSs, have properties in common. Feels like, e.g., ARM could, for example, match any ARM CPU via the same mechanism.

aiuto commented 2 years ago

I'm not convinced we want this yet. There is always the balance of utility vs. correctness as the world evolves. Let's use the example of Apple := match_any = ["@platforms//os:macos", "@platforms//os:ios", "@platforms//os:tvos", "@platforms//os:watchos"].

What does that actually do for people? Or, let's ask a different question, why would one select on "Apple"? Some hypothetical answers:

We could play the same thought experiment with posix. Is any system really strictly posix? What we care about are things like

Now, we could imaging that the linux platform has lots of constraints describing the fine grained behaviors that might be of interest. Toolchains could talk about what they require rather than something broad like OS.

cpsauer commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I think there's actually a great use case among those. I mean, there's a vast API surface in common across Apple OSs. They're all forks of each other, after all. And it's therefore quite common to have code/settings that are shared between Apple OSs (offering a common API) but not with other OSs. In boost, for example, Apple OSs are selected upon together far more than they're selected apart. Similarly, think about all the Bazel code shared for Apple platforms but not with other platforms!

Said differently: One would select on "Apple" in the (relatively common) case where you're targeting Apple platforms together and using the API they have in common. (Maybe there are other use cases, but that's the main one I see.)

It's a great clarifying example, though. You're totally right that it's really about selecting on common APIs supported across OSs (or CPUs). In set semantics, the select matches a union of constraint_values, selecting for the intersection of the interfaces they provide. And yeah, whether the OS supports pthread is another one of these OS commonalities that gets selected on and reimplemented over and over.

Anyway, just think this could be handy and help people easily express the idea of a common platform!

keith commented 2 years ago

For some practical examples about the Apple use case envoy has quite a few of these types of conditionals

gregestren commented 2 years ago

@aiuto what do you think about a skylib dependency from this repo?

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

@gregestren &co: Any chance I could return to this and ask whether you'd take a contribution for :Apple--and if so, whether you'd like a dependency on skylib or not?

The context is that I'm shipping another repo that needs this, and I'd love to contribute it rather than duplicating.

keith commented 1 year ago

Since this conversation we have added platform definitions in rules_apple, and I think they might live there forever, I wonder if we should include those there instead? The only downside I can think of is the inconsistency of having to know when to uses @platforms or not. Assuming everyone who may need this already depends on that repo (potentially transitively). I would be happy to add more similar conditions there as needed

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

Hey, @keith! Good thinking--and thanks for making me aware of those new definitions.

I think, though, that there's a sizable use case for these platform commonalities (including the os:Apple one) where people wouldn't have brought in rules_apple already, and where I'm not sure we should require them to. rules_boost for the C++ boost libraries is a concrete example (as above), as is the repo I was just releasing, but more generally, fairly frequently, pure cc_libraries need to condition by platform to get the right set of syscalls. Those decencies might eventually get bundled up using Apple's conventions (or not), but they aren't currently bringing in rules_apple.

Therefore, it still seems to me like these platform commonalities should go here for the same reason (I'm guessing) the OSs are defined here: So you can be aware of them and select based on them way up the dependency chain.

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

Oh, and semi-relatedly, since it came up in rules_boost and in that repo I'm spinning up ( The best story around using platforms with iOS and Android is still manual platform mappings, right? There isn't a way to magically auto patch that in via apple_support or similar?

keith commented 1 year ago

Yes you have to use platform_mappings, theoretically we could provide a default-ish platform_mappings file probably

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

Just got the commit bit on rules_boost, so I can now say a little less theoretically: We'd use the heck out of this in rules_boost--as heavily as any individual OS--and wouldn't otherwise want/need to depend on rules_apple for our non-apple users.

gregestren commented 1 year ago

At the moment I think we're being too cautious with @bazelbuild/platforms. We're rightfully concerned about it getting messy and disorganized. And any mistakes we make here can get so entrenched in the wider build ecosystem that it's impossible to undo them.

On the other hand, if it's not expansive enough people will just work around it by putting commonalities in arbitrary repos. Which is the exact problem this repo exists to avoid.

For :apple in particular I'd lean more heavily on @keith's intuition since rules_apple isn't an "arbitrary" repo.

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

Was just contributing to boringssl. These would be useful to have there (and not in rules_apple) for all the same reasons as boost.

brentleyjones commented 1 year ago

and not in rules_apple

I agree, rules_apple is a heavy dependency, but I think _applesupport is a super light one that makes sense given that the Xcode toolchain is moving there:

cpsauer commented 1 year ago

Offhand, my take would still be that these would still be best here alongside :macos, :ios, etc.--for the same reason I presume the apple platform definitions are here: That they're useful for pure C/C++ (posix) libraries and it's nice to have them all in one place. (Though, perhaps all, including os definitions, should move to apple_support? Depends on y'all's federation philosophy.) [Brought back here by needing to duplicate this code a couple more times in the interim.]