bazelbuild / reclient

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LocalErrorResultStatus: path to windows SDK is not under out/Platform-win #34

Open ekamwalia opened 6 months ago

ekamwalia commented 6 months ago

Hello folks!

I am working on setting up buildfarm with reclient to build chromium. My req is to build chromium for windows. Hoping one of you wizards here can point me in the right direction.

My setup is as follows:

When I try to run the chromium build command with the recommended args, I see the following error. I think the error is happening because even though I am setting exec_root to C:\ in my rewrapper_windows.cfg config file taking reference from #23 (as confirmed in the log file attached and the command arg --exec_root:C: in the log just below), when the commands are finally executed, the exec_root changes which out/Platform-win which is build output directory I am passing in my gn comand.

[20/58036] CXX obj/base/base_static/static_constants.obj
FAILED: obj/base/base_static/static_constants.obj 

..\..\buildtools\reclient\rewrapper -cfg=C:\Users\riturajs.CITRITE\chromium\src\buildtools\reclient_cfgs\linux\chromium-browser-clang\rewrapper_linux.cfg -exec_root=C: -labels=type=compile,compiler=clang-cl,lang=cpp  <args hidden for brevity, full command in logs>

reclient[c55e4b8e-3e51-4b71-90e7-f71d8c5bf70b]: LocalErrorResultStatus: path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include is not under C:\Users\riturajs.CITRITE\chromium\src\out\Platform-win

My reproxy.cfg is

service=<Server IP>:8980
proxy_log_dir=<User Home>\chromium\src\buildtools\reclient\logs\

The rewrapper.cfg is

inputs:./Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Professional/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.38.33130/include

The GN command which is executed is

gn gen out/Platform-win --args="blink_symbol_level=0 symbol_level=2 enable_nacl=false is_component_build=false is_debug=false target_cpu=\"x86\" target_os=\"win\" automation_build=false enable_hangout_services_extension=true disable_fieldtrial_testing_config=true target_os_only=\"True\" target_cpu_only=\"True\" "

Logs -

Could someone here take a look and share any pointers on how to fix this?

yehia996 commented 6 months ago

Thank you

MikeS-rec commented 6 months ago

So I had a look through the logs, and for some reason the exec root isn't getting set to C:\ as you have specified, it appears to actually be this (from reproxy.exe.INFO):

exec_root: "C:\Users\riturajs.CITRITE\chromium\src\out\Platform-win"

So if the exec_root isn't set, then reclient will default to using the working directory, which is what seems to be happening here. But I noticed you've got exec_root set to C: on the rewrapper command, so I'm not sure why the . I did notice in the environment logged in reproxy.exe.INFO there is this:

environment: "=C:=C:\\Users\\riturajs.CITRITE\\chromium\\src\\out\\Platform-win"

I'm not a windows expert, but this seems possibly suspicious. What does an environment variable like this do? It looks like it intends to replace C: with the output directory but I'm not sure if that is the case.

Anyway, you can try taking the exec_root setting out of the cfg file and explicitly setting it as a gn argument. Add the following to your (or redo the gn gen with this):


Let me know if that does the trick, and I'll try and figure out why this isn't getting picked up properly in the first place.

ekamwalia commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your investigation and sharing some fixes @MikeS-rec !

This didn't resolve the issue either however, we still see the same error. In fact, we had already tried this taking a clue from #23 .

On the environment variable, I can't add a lot of windows insight either, not an expert, but I tried to see where its coming from and I noticed that

  1. It is not set in the system env vars, which suggests this is something being set during the build process , (maybe by gn/ninja)
  2. The env var has a value but not a name, which seems quite odd.

I tried to create a build of reclient with some additional logging to see whats happening in the rewrapper execution of the command, but when I try to build it for windows, I run into the following error. I think the issue is that in WSL the path for the file will be


which is different from.


Do you know what needs to be done to be able to build reclient on windows?

PS C:\Users\riturajs.CITRITE\reclient> bazelisk build --config=goma //cmd/...
INFO: Repository io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver instantiated at:
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/WORKSPACE:351:14: in <toplevel>
Repository rule go_repository defined at:
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl:313:32: in <toplevel>
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl", line 311, column 10, in _go_repository_impl
        File "C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl", line 563, column 17, in patch
                fail("Error applying patch %s:\n%s%s" %
Error in fail: Error applying patch @//third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver:opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch:
/bin/bash: line 1: C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch: No such file or directory
ERROR: C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/WORKSPACE:351:14: fetching go_repository rule //external:io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver: Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl", line 311, column 10, in _go_repository_impl
        File "C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl", line 563, column 17, in patch
                fail("Error applying patch %s:\n%s%s" %
Error in fail: Error applying patch @//third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver:opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch:
/bin/bash: line 1: C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch: No such file or directory
INFO: Repository go_googleapis instantiated at:
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/WORKSPACE:165:22: in <toplevel>
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/io_bazel_rules_go/go/private/repositories.bzl:247:12: in go_rules_dependencies
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/io_bazel_rules_go/go/private/repositories.bzl:297:18: in _maybe
Repository rule http_archive defined at:
  C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl:372:31: in <toplevel>
INFO: repository @go_googleapis' used the following cache hits instead of downloading the corresponding file.
 * Hash '73831cbb41f2750f3181d126bbabcd3e58b5188e131ecbc309793fa54d5439c9' for
If the definition of 'repository @go_googleapis' was updated, verify that the hashes were also updated.
ERROR: C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/internal/pkg/monitoring/BUILD.bazel:3:11: //internal/pkg/monitoring:monitoring depends on @io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver//:stackdriver in repository @io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver which failed to fetch. no such package '@io_opencensus_go_contrib_exporter_stackdriver//': Error applying patch @//third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver:opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch:
/bin/bash: line 1: C:/users/riturajs.citrite/reclient/third_party/patches/opencensus-go-exporter-stackdriver/opencensus-stackdriver-interval.patch: No such file or directory
ERROR: Analysis of target '//cmd/reproxy:reproxy' failed; build aborted:
INFO: Elapsed time: 4.310s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)
    Fetching repository @org_golang_google_api; starting 4s
    Fetching repository @com_github_shirou_gopsutil; starting
    Fetching repository @goma; Cloning
    Fetching C:/users/riturajs.citrite/_bazel_riturajs/wmsue5f3/external/go_googleapis; Extracting