bazelbuild / rules_pkg

Bazel rules for creating packages of many types (zip, tar, deb, rpm, ...)
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pkg_tar rule break the symlink and cause link error at runtime on MacOS #821

Open bfsoyc opened 5 months ago

bfsoyc commented 5 months ago

The attribute include_runfiles = True is useful for me since I would like to keep things organized as they are in workspace dir tree.

However, I found the pkg_tar rule keep two copys of dynamic lib:

In the project workspace, the one in bazel-bin/_solib_darwin_arm64 is actually a symlink to the one in dir tree. However, in package tar both are duplicated files.

It introduces linking error when I run the binary. (The binary links the .so lib with relative path by using @loader_path)

This behavior makes no sense to me.

Could anyone tell if it's desired behavior or not? many thanks.

An simple example:

- bin/executable
- lib
  |- module_a
  |- module_b
    |- deeper_dir

We have executable deps on b and b deps on a.

After pack with pkg_tar, we have the following in tar ball:

- _solib_darwin_arm64
  |- encoded_path_to_a
    |- # no longer a symlink to lib/module_a/
  |- encoded_path_to_b
    |- # no longer a symlink
- bin/executable
- lib
  |- module_a
  |- module_b
    |- deeper_dir

When running the executable binary, it try to link _solib_darwin_arm64/encoded_path_to_b/, which is no longer a symlink but the same content with the origin one. Therefore every relative path broken when trying to load by relative path.

dieortin commented 5 months ago

Are those shared libraries prebuilt? Or are you building them with Bazel?

In my case, I’m packaging binaries with lots of shared libraries and haven’t encountered this problem. But I don’t have any prebuilt .so in my sources tree: most libraries are built by Bazel, and those that are not are included from external repositories.

bfsoyc commented 5 months ago

Are those shared libraries prebuilt? Or are you building them with Bazel?

In my case, I’m packaging binaries with lots of shared libraries and haven’t encountered this problem. But I don’t have any prebuilt .so in my sources tree: most libraries are built by Bazel, and those that are not are included from external repositories.

Thanks for your attention at first.

We are working on a huge project, where there's some prebuilt .so library.

However, I think that not the point. As long as we have a binary require dynamic linking to lib B, and lib B require dynamic linking to A. The linking phase will fail as I mention above. (I use otool -L to query the dynamic link of a binary or .so.)

# the way we generate a lib B, needed to link lib A at runtime.
    name = "",
    srcs = ["b_static"],
    linkshared = 1,
    linkstatic = 1,
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [
        "//lib/module_a:a",  # this explicit deps forces B linking to A, such that we can reproduce the problem.

So my point is, if we can preserve the object in _solib_darwin_arm64 symlink to the object in real dir tree. The behavior can remain the same as they were in Bazel workspace.

aiuto commented 4 months ago

I don't know enough about how mac dynamic linking as you used it (with both linkstatic and linkshard) is supposed to work to comment yet. To me, the cc_binary example above seems like module_a should be statically linked. Can you point to a small reproduction? Is module_a a cc_shared_library?

bfsoyc commented 4 months ago

@aiuto , thanks for your attention. FYI:

bazel build //bin:deploy

tar -zxf bazel-bin/bin/deploy.tar --directory {test_dir}

cd {test_dir}
./bin/main  # this should crash due to library loading failure.