I am building a project with protos on apple M1 and I get a symbol not found in flat namespace '__ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev' error when protoc gets invoked.
I opened a stack overflow about it, but I figured out this might come from the way protoc is built with rules_proto.
It is a c++ project and I made sure to use the c++17 by passing the option to the command line.
After some research it seems that the problem comes most likely a conflict between libc++ and libstdc++, but I have no clue where it comes from and how I should solve it.
I am using proto with grpc, here is the related part of my WORKSPACE file:
I am building a project with protos on apple M1 and I get a
symbol not found in flat namespace '__ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev'
error when protoc gets invoked. I opened a stack overflow about it, but I figured out this might come from the way protoc is built withrules_proto
.It is a c++ project and I made sure to use the c++17 by passing the option to the command line.
After some research it seems that the problem comes most likely a conflict between libc++ and libstdc++, but I have no clue where it comes from and how I should solve it.
I am using proto with grpc, here is the related part of my WORKSPACE file: