bazelbuild / rules_python

Bazel Python Rules
Apache License 2.0
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Need to supply transitive dependencies #1923

Open bashtavenko opened 4 months ago

bashtavenko commented 4 months ago

🐞 bug report

Affected Rule

bazel_dep(name = "rules_python", version = "0.32.2")
pip = use_extension("@rules_python//python/extensions:pip.bzl", "pip")
    hub_name = "pip_deps",
    python_version = "3.11",
    requirements_lock = "//:requirements.txt",
use_repo(pip, "pip_deps")

Is this a regression?

Not sure


A clear and concise description of the problem... After `bazel buld //...` bazel wants to see a transitive dependency. For example, I have "requests" in "requirements.txt" and it wants `idna` or `urllib3` which are transitive dependeancies of the `requests`. See full code here This is the first time I tried using bazel in Python project and it is likely I messed up something. ## πŸ”¬ Minimal Reproduction
git clone -b pydeps-2
cd py
bazel build //...

πŸ”₯ Exception or Error

Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
ERROR: no such package '@@rules_python~~pip~pip_deps//idna': BUILD file not found in directory 'idna' of external repository @@rules_python~~pip~pip_deps. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.
ERROR: C:/users/sb/_bazel_sb/enxgtwle/external/rules_python~~pip~pip_deps_311_requests/BUILD.bazel:28:11: no such package '@@rules_python~~pip~pip_deps//idna': BUILD file not found in directory 'idna' of external repository @@rules_python~~pip~pip_deps. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package. and referenced by '@@rules_python~~pip~pip_deps_311_requests//:pkg'
Target //:graph_lib up-to-date (nothing to build)
ERROR: Analysis of target '//:graph_test' failed; build aborted: Analysis failed
INFO: Elapsed time: 76.797s, Critical Path: 0.13s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully

🌍 Your Environment

Operating System:

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Output of bazel version:

bazel 7.1.2

Rules_python version:


Anything else relevant? This is most likely not a bug but rather a configuration that I missed.

aignas commented 4 months ago

It seems that the requirement to provide the transitive dependencies has not been documented and the compile_pip_requirements is only mentioned in our docs in the API description page here though we have all of the examples using it, it seems that it is not enough and we should increase the visibility. Leaving this ticket open until we have better user docs.