bazelbuild / rules_python

Bazel Python Rules
Apache License 2.0
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py_binary with hermetic toolchain requires a system interpreter #691

Closed jpgxs closed 3 months ago

jpgxs commented 2 years ago

🐞 bug report

Affected Rule



Running py_binary without a system interpreter (using a toolchain configured with python_register_toolchain) fails with the following error:

/usr/bin/env: 'python3': No such file or directory

After installing a system python3, the rule runs fine and uses the correct Python interpreter (not the system one).

🔬 Minimal Reproduction


load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
    name = "rules_python",
    sha256 = "cdf6b84084aad8f10bf20b46b77cb48d83c319ebe6458a18e9d2cebf57807cdd",
    strip_prefix = "rules_python-0.8.1",
    url = "",
load("@rules_python//python:repositories.bzl", "python_register_toolchains")
    name = "python3_10",
    python_version = "3.10",
    name = "interp_version",
    srcs = [""],
    main = "",
import sys


Using the ubuntu:focal Docker image:

root # bazel run //:interp_version
INFO: Analyzed target //:interp_version (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:interp_version up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.773s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
/usr/bin/env: 'python3': No such file or directory  <-- Error

root # apt-get install python3-minimal

root # python3 --version
Python 3.8.10

root # bazel run //:interp_version
INFO: Analyzed target //:interp_version (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:interp_version up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.707s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=2, releaselevel='final', serial=0)  <-- 3.10.2

🌍 Your Environment

Operating System:

Ubuntu Focal (20.04.4 LTS)

Output of bazel version: Bazelisk version: v1.11.0 Build label: 5.1.1 Build target: bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar Build time: Fri Apr 8 15:49:48 2022 (1649432988) Build timestamp: 1649432988 Build timestamp as int: 1649432988

Rules_python version:


mattem commented 2 years ago

Hmm, this is tricky, not really sure if it's "bug" per se in rules_python. The launcher generated by bazel itself has a reference to this shebang line. We should at minimal allow setting stub_shebang on py_runtime. It may be tricky to get the path to the toolchain python in there, not sure.

jpgxs commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the rapid response 🏎. It's certainly not a critical issue for me as the workaround is trivial.

Do you think it would be useful to add a note in the README to save future hackers time debugging?

FBorowiec commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same issue where using the rules_docker to create a docker image with my python code based on ubuntu:latest fails with:

ERROR: for example  Cannot start service example: OCI runtime create failed:
container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused
"exec: \"/usr/bin/python\": stat /usr/bin/python: no such file or directory": unknown

Do you have any solution for that?

thundergolfer commented 2 years ago

I think this is a duplicate of

Agree that the README could make clearer the stub script python dependency. @mattem has Aspect successfully used anywhere?

It appears to have landed in 5.x.x, and allows for wiring up the toolchain's interpreter as the stub script's interpreter.

hrfuller commented 2 years ago

I have also successfully used the stub shebang customization. Its a viable solution here.

thundergolfer commented 2 years ago

python_register_toolchains sets up the py_runtime on behalf of the user, so it would have to be responsible for detecting that the Bazel version is high enough and then adding the stub_shebang = ... data.

In the recent past, we had a rough time trying to accurately detect the user's Bazel version:

In the meantime I've thrown up

thundergolfer commented 2 years ago

Just commenting in an in-the-wild example of stub_shebang usage that I found linked in the Bazel Slack:

That codebase is on Bazel 5.1.1 and so can take advantage of the new functionality.

thundergolfer commented 2 years ago

@mattem @f0rmiga @hrfuller I've thrown up a draft PR of using stub_shebang and doing version checking: I've added some commentary on it too.

Works with my very basic bazel run testing.

groodt commented 2 years ago

It is a bit of a smell that bazel uses a stub that has a dependency on the host environment. Another workaround / hack to this on macos is to put python on the PATH in the tools/bazel shim.

export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/python/libexec/bin":$PATH

(or whatever is similar for your environment)

Question: does anyone know why the first-stage python_stub_template.txt needs to be written in python? Do other rulesets have this problem where they try to reuse a toolchain as part of the first-stage launcher?

f0rmiga commented 2 years ago

@groodt I don't think placing the interpreter in tools/bazel solves any real problems. It would require extra steps before bazel build. Also, it wouldn't work with RBE.

rickeylev commented 2 years ago

It is a bit of a smell that bazel uses a stub that has a dependency on the host environment.

There's almost no way to avoid a host environment dependency here, though. e.g /bin/bash is also a problematic host dependency (doesn't exist on Windows, Macs have ancient versions of it, etc). The only real way to avoid it is to build a native executable (which is what Bazel does for Windows, and largely what we do at Google).

Question: does anyone know why the first-stage python_stub_template.txt needs to be written in python?

It doesn't. Jumping in the time machine, it came around circa 2004 using Python 2.2 (and was ~8 lines long). I think it actually predates the template-expansion support! Internally, our stub script is actually a few lines of bash to do some misc setup before invoking Python for the rest of the startup code.

We should at minimal allow setting stub_shebang on py_runtime. It may be tricky to get the path to the toolchain python in there, not sure.

Well, I've been wrestling with a similar problem within Google as we try to get rid of the last usages of relying on a system-installed Python, and it's been a pain, so I'll share a bit of my findings/conclusions. HTH.

IMHO/IME, the stub_shebang attribute is basically useless for achieving hermetic builds.

Half the problem comes from remote execution, like f0rmiga said. Because it's a string attribute, it can't carry any inputs along with it. Absolute paths are (pretty much by definition) machine/platform specific, which prevents using them for remote execution. A relative path has to refer to some build artifact, but then you have the problem of using a relative path in a shebang and knowing the relative path to use (either an execroot relative path or a runfiles relative path). Relative paths work in shebangs, but can be a bit finicky because they rely on the PWD. Relative paths are also finicky because of things like binaries nested in binaries (or other intermediaries that chdir)

I haven't followed these hermetic toolchain PRs too closely, but I'm guessing, fundamentally, they rely on defining an in-build py_runtime? i.e.,py_runtime(files = ..., interpreter = ...)? If so, this leads to the other half of the chicken/egg problem: the py_runtime rule puts an in-build interpreter into the runfiles of the binary, but most of what the stub script does is find the runfiles directory. If the interpreter is in the runfiles, how can you use the interpreter to find the runfiles? :chicken: :egg:

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to really investigate solutions to this. The two avenues I wanted to investigate are (a) changing the stub script to a two-phase bash script (the first phase uses bash to simply find the runfiles dir and interpreter, then passes off to the interpreter), or (b) generate a native startup executable that does (a) (I'm guessing this is basically what the Windows launcher does?), or (c) maybe more involved changes in the py_binary/py_runtime could help address this, maybe in combination with a/b.

groodt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the insight. In my opinion, it does seem like solving the "bootstrap problem" would be best solved in a way that doesn't involve the runtime itself due to that chicken-egg.

It would be incredible if it was solved with some sort of native launcher inside bazel that had enough degrees of freedom to support any language rules or runtime.

groodt commented 2 years ago

@rickeylev Is a reasonable sketch of the problem this pseudo-code: exec(runfiles-interpreter, [""])

Bazel needs something to create a platform independent "exec" function (portable binary) without a runtime that can find the interpreter and use it to interpret a script. It feels like something like that built into bazel would enable all languages that bundle an interpreter in the runfiles to launch? It's not needed for languages that compile statically without a separate runtime such as rust or golang or CPP etc.

rickeylev commented 2 years ago

Is a reasonable sketch of the problem this pseudo-code

Yeah, that'd about be the psuedo-code of the generated executable. As a user, it'd have to be spelled more like how a rule impl would interact with it:

def _impl(ctx):
  executable = create_runfiles_based_runtime_starter_thingamig(
    output =,
  return [DefaultInfo(executable=executable, ...)]

create a platform independent "exec" function (portable binary)

Well, a portable binary as far as a user (rule impl) is concerned. There's basically no way to have a single chunk of bytes that describe an executable that is cross platform.

It feels like something like that built into bazel would enable all languages that bundle an interpreter in the runfiles to launch?

Yes, I agree. There's a pretty wide variety of interpreted languages out there + things like Java

lberki commented 1 year ago

We ran into this issue and the workaround we use is to embed a little bash script in the shebang line like this:

py_runtime(stub_shebang="#!/usr/bin/env -S /bin/bash -c '$0.runfiles/<path to Python interpreter> $0')

(yes, this works)

lummax commented 1 year ago

py_runtime(stub_shebang="#!/usr/bin/env -S /bin/bash -c '$0.runfiles/<path to Python interpreter> $0 \"$@\"'") worked for us.

condemil commented 1 year ago

can find the interpreter and use it to interpret a script

Based on your description it sounds like getting toolchain binary (same as in python/current_py_toolchain.bzl) and run it with

chrislovecnm commented 1 year ago

@rickeylev this is going to be even more of a problem with bzlmod. We no longer have the user register a toolchain.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

rickeylev commented 1 year ago

This issue is because the bootstrap script is implemented in Python, so needs some python interpreter for itself to run.

bzlmod won't affect this, neither will changes to toolchain registration.

alexeagle commented 11 months ago

This issue is fixed in because it doesn't have any Python bootstrap script.

mattyclarkson commented 11 months ago

The #!/usr/bin/env -S /bin/bash hack is great but doesn't work on POSIX implementations of /usr/bin/env implementations such as toybox. Here is a py_runtime implementation that works on POSIX env implementations:

    "interpreter": attr.label(
        doc = "The Python interpreter.",
        allow_single_file = True,
        executable = True,
        cfg = "exec",
    "python_version": attr.string(
        doc = "Whether this runtime is for Python major version 2 or 3. Valid values are `PY2` and `PY3`.",
        default = "PY3",
        values = ["PY2", "PY3"],
    "files": attr.label_list(
        doc = "The set of files comprising this runtime. These files will be added to the runfiles of Python binaries that use this runtime.",

def implementation(ctx):
    # `rules_python` needs a Python interpreter to launch Python
    # This hashbang:
    #   - Overrides to launch the POSIX shell
    #   - POSIX shell ignores the first triplet quote
    #   - Uses the script path to find the interpreter in the runfiles
    #   - Launches the same script within the Python interpreter
    #   - Python ignores the shell script because it is in a triplet quote
    #   - The triple quote is needed because the `__future__` declarations must be seen first
    #   - Python runs the script to completion and returns back into the POSIX shell
    #   - The POSIX shell then exits before reading the rest of the Python code
    hashbang = '''#!/usr/bin/env sh
"""set" -eu
"$0.runfiles/{}" "$0" "$@"

    return PyRuntimeInfo(
        interpreter = ctx.file.interpreter,
        python_version = ctx.attr.python_version,
        stub_shebang = hashbang,
        files = depset(transitive = [t.files for t in ctx.attr.files]),

py_runtime = rule(
    doc = "Creates a hermetic Python runtime.",
    implementation = implementation,
    attrs = ATTRS,
    provides = [

This can then be used to configure a Python toolchain that uses the interpreter to bootstrap itself:

load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_runtime_pair")
load(":py_runtime.bzl", "py_runtime")

    name = "runtime",
    files = ["@python//:files"],
    interpreter = "@python//:python3",

    name = "info",
    py3_runtime = ":runtime",

    name = "toolchain",
    toolchain = ":info",
    toolchain_type = "@rules_python//python:toolchain_type",

That assume you have registered a rules_python toolchain in MODULE.bazel:

bazel_dep(name = "rules_python", version = "0.25.0")

python = use_extension("@rules_python//python/extensions:python.bzl", "python")
    configure_coverage_tool = True,
    python_version = "3.9",
use_repo(python, python = "python_3_9")

If we put this in @rules_python//python:py_runtime.bzl and override the default stub_shebang it'll make rules_python hermetic on POSIX(y) systems. Would the project accept a change like this?

rickeylev commented 11 months ago

Would the project accept a change like this?

Oh wow that is clever! I especially like that it gives us some way to do a bit more logic to handle any special cases.

I think the short answer is yes, we'd accept patches to help improve the situation using tricks in stub_shebang. The code for rules_python's toolchain generation is mostly in python/repositories.bzl (grep for py_runtime). This would help Bazel 5.4 and Bazel 6.

For Bazel 7, we can more directly solve this because the bootstrap template can be in rules_python -- see python/private/python_bootstrap_template.txt. Note this is currently only used by the not-yet-activated starlark implementation of the rules, but it would be easy to make the bazel-native implementation use it in the interim (just modify the repositories.bzl as above).

Once the Starlark implemenation is activated, then we'll have a lot more options.

ericastor commented 11 months ago

Would it be reasonable to ship with a very small cross-platform launcher executable built with ? (Mostly joking, I suspect the solutions above are far more practical.)

groodt commented 11 months ago

There's been discussions on similar ideas before Cross-platform native launchers for Python (some may find it surprising that Windows already has a native launcher)

There's also other projects such as

Ultimately, we need some sort of "bootstrapper" that understands runfiles. There's a couple things to consider more deeply in my opinion:

hauserx commented 8 months ago

The above shebangs were not working for me for py_test targets because py file script path is referenced by path from within .runfiles in

Longer version was needed:

stub_shebang = r"""#!/usr/bin/env -S /bin/bash -c 'if [[ $(pwd) =~ (.*\\.runfiles[/$]) ]]; then ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}/<path to python interpreter> $0 "$@"; else $0.runfiles/<path to python interpreter> $0 "$@"; fi'""",

rickeylev commented 3 months ago

I spent the weekend looking into this. I have a prototype that looks promising and was able to get things working. The gist of how it works is a two-stage bootstrap.

Stage one is some shell code to locate the runfiles directory and call the interpreter with the second stage bootstrap. In the case of executable zip files, it extracts the zip first. The overall goal of this stage is to get into the target interpreter as soon as possible.

Stage two is Python code that runs before the application's actual main file. It handles the heavy lifting. It sets up sys.path, handles coverage collection (if applicable), cleaning up of the extracted zip file (if applicable) and then uses runpy to run the application's main file. The runpy module handles invoking another file as if it was the main entry point.

I'm quite liking this two-stage design. It has several benefits:

There's two things I've found annoying about this design

The first is due to our support for regular zip files (python3 and executable zip files (./ Those cases basically require their own bootstraps.

The second is that our current toolchain API has a single bootstrap template (which acts as the template for the (non-zip) foo executable and as the template for the zip, but this design requires separate templates (one for stage1, one for stage2). I'd like to avoid this being a breaking change, but that might be rather involved in this case. We'll see how it looks as i clean it up.

rickeylev commented 3 months ago

Some notes to self about the types of invocations that need to be handled.

  1. Linux/mac, build_zip=false, direct invocation: bazel build :foo; bazel-bin/foo
    • foo needs to be bash script that locates the interpreter and main, then runs <foundpython>
  2. Linux/mac, build_zip=true, direct invocation: bazel build --python_build_zip :foo; bazel-bin/foo
    • foo needs to be a zip file that is executable and self-extracting. i.e. it has a bash preamble that extracts, locates the interpreter, and runs <foundpython>
  3. Windows, build_zip=false, direct invocation: bazel build :foo; bazel-bin/foo.exe -> <somepython>.exe foo
    • foo needs to be python file, i.e. the file
  4. Windows, build_zip=true, direct invocation: bazel build --python_build_zip :foo; bazel-bin/foo.exe -> <somepython>.exe
    • This case is a bit weird. The windows launcher can be told the runfiles path to the interpreter, and it'll try to use it. However, I don't see code that extracts the zip, so I don't see how it could be using an in-build interpreter. After it constructs the would-be runfiles path, it checks if the path exists, and if not, uses simply python (i.e. from path) to run the zip.
    • needs to have However, it must handle extract itself and can't assume the current interpreter is the correct one.
  5. Manually passing zip to some python: bazel build {maybe build_python zip} :foo; <somepython>
    • It's not clear if doing this with --build_python_zip=true is a sensible use case. If you specified that flag, then the output is an executable zip. So why manually pass it?
    • This case is basically Windows+build_python_zip=true. The file is how the binary is entered, and it has to handle extract and can't assume the current runtime is the correct one.

So I think my takeaway here is...

mering commented 3 months ago

Just out of curiosity: I searched the documentation for "zip" and couldn't find a single mention. Would it be an option drop support for some undocumented edge cases if this makes the solution much easier/cleaner/earlier?

lamcw commented 3 months ago

--build_python_zip is in the Bazel docs (not in rules_python docs)