bazelbuild / rules_swift

Bazel rules to build Swift on Apple and Linux platforms
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to use swift_library with a directory #969

Open erikkerber opened 1 year ago

erikkerber commented 1 year ago

When using a directory in the srcs of swift_library, the rules declare an incorrect intermediate object file for the directory and the build fails:

swift_worker: Could not copy bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/_swift_incremental/d_objs/c.o to bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/d_objs/c.o (No such file or directory)

NOTE: Where the failure happens is less important than there always is a <directory>.o object file declared

This works using objc_library:

Repro (credit @thii) ``` # rule.bzl def _impl(ctx): dir_name = out = ctx.actions.declare_directory(dir_name) ctx.actions.run_shell( outputs = [out], command = """ cd {} mkdir {} touch {}/File{} """.format( ctx.bin_dir.path, dir_name, dir_name, ctx.attr.ext, dir_name, ctx.attr.ext, ), ) return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))] my_rule = rule( _impl, attrs = { "ext": attr.string() }, ) ``` ``` # BUILD load(":rule.bzl", "my_rule") load("@build_bazel_rules_swift//swift:swift.bzl", "swift_library") my_rule( name = "a", ext = ".m", ) objc_library( name = "b", srcs = [":a"], ) my_rule( name = "c", ext = ".swift", ) swift_library( name = "d", srcs = [":c"], ) ```
keith commented 8 months ago

A quick hack workaround is to pass --swiftcopt=-wmo --swiftcopt=-num-threads --swiftcopt=0 but this might have other downsides

keith commented 8 months ago

erikkerber commented 8 months ago

@keith Think we should close this one as will-never-happen or think there's a maybe-world where this is possible?

keith commented 8 months ago

I'll close as a dup of that one, if that one ever moves we should re-evaluate if we need to make changes

luispadron commented 4 days ago

I'm re-opening because it seems like Bazel will not be able to support this within Starlark (analysis time) but if we can move this work to the execution phase to match rules like objc_library which do work with directory artifacts then thats something worth discussing.