bazelbuild / rules_webtesting

Bazel rules to allow testing against a browser with WebDriver.
Apache License 2.0
97 stars 56 forks source link

Unable to fetch 'io_bazel_rules_webtesting' repository due to updated hashes #388

Closed qaiffluke closed 5 years ago

qaiffluke commented 5 years ago

I'm a newbie at Bazel and everything was working fine until only recently have I come across this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

INFO: Repository 'io_bazel_rules_webtesting' used the following cache hits instead of downloading the corresponding file.
 * Hash 'f1f4d2c2f88d2beac64c82499a1e762b037966675dd892da89c87e39d72b33f6' for
If the definition of 'io_bazel_rules_webtesting' was updated, verify that the hashes were also updated.
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'io_bazel_rules_webtesting':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl", line 56
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 81, in patch
                "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format(patchtool = ctx.attr.patch_tool, p...), ...]))
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 83, in "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format
Not a regular file: C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/build_bazel_rules_nodejs/rules_webtesting.patch
ERROR: no such package '@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web': Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl", line 56
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 81, in patch
                "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format(patchtool = ctx.attr.patch_tool, p...), ...]))
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 83, in "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format
Not a regular file: C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/build_bazel_rules_nodejs/rules_webtesting.patch
ERROR: no such package '@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web': Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl", line 56
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 81, in patch
                "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format(patchtool = ctx.attr.patch_tool, p...), ...]))
        File "C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/utils.bzl", line 83, in "{patchtool} {patch_args} < {patchfile}".format
Not a regular file: C:/users/bazel_user/vqxrcad2/external/build_bazel_rules_nodejs/rules_webtesting.patch

I have tried the following workaround too:

    name = "io_bazel_rules_webtesting",
    url = "",
    strip_prefix = "rules_webtesting-ca7b8062d9cf4ef2fde9193c7d37a0764c4262d7",
    sha256 = "28c73cf9d310fa6dba30e66bdb98071341c99c3feb8662f2d3883a632de97d72",

But it gives me the same error. However, if I move it before loading the rules_karma_dependencies, it wants me to include the go_dependencies which I do not need.

All suggestions are welcome and please let me know if this is the right place to report this or someplace else. Thank you!!

DrMarcII commented 5 years ago

In general you should be using the released versions as follows: load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_webtesting", sha256 = "f1f4d2c2f88d2beac64c82499a1e762b037966675dd892da89c87e39d72b33f6", urls = [ "", ], )

load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories")


Otherwise you will need the go dependencies (the released version includes precompiled binaries).

johnnysainz commented 5 years ago

Having the same problem as @qaiffluke. Following @DrMarcII's advice does not resolve this for me. Is there an order in which the http_archive, load, and web_test_repositories() must appear within the WORKSPACE file for this to work properly?

qaiffluke commented 5 years ago

Following the advice @DrMarcII gave, worked for me. But I've been getting a new error instead:

ERROR: error loading package '': in C:/users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/defs.bzl: in C:/users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/internal/build_defs.bzl: in C:/
users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/internal/common/compilation.bzl: Unable to load file '@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:declaration_provider.bzl': file doesn't exist
ERROR: error loading package '': in C:/users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/defs.bzl: in C:/users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/internal/build_defs.bzl: in C:/
users/bazel_user/external/npm_bazel_typescript/internal/common/compilation.bzl: Unable to load file '@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:declaration_provider.bzl': file doesn't exist

Here's my WORKSPACE File for reference:

# The WORKSPACE file tells Bazel that this directory is a "workspace", which is like a project root.
# The content of this file specifies all the external dependencies Bazel needs to perform a build.

# ESModule imports (and TypeScript imports) can be absolute starting with the workspace name.
# The name of the workspace should match the npm package where we publish, so that these
# imports also make sense when referencing the published package.
    name = "lopez_ui",
    managed_directories = {"@npm": ["node_modules"]},

# These rules are built-into Bazel but we need to load them first to download more rules
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies
    name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
    sha256 = "3356c6b767403392bab018ce91625f6d15ff8f11c6d772dc84bc9cada01c669a",
    urls = [""],

# Fetch sass rules for compiling sass files
    name = "io_bazel_rules_sass",
    sha256 = "4f05239080175a3f4efa8982d2b7775892d656bb47e8cf56914d5f9441fb5ea6",
    strip_prefix = "rules_sass-86ca977cf2a8ed481859f83a286e164d07335116",
    url = "",

# Fetch webtest rules
name = "io_bazel_rules_webtesting",
sha256 = "f1f4d2c2f88d2beac64c82499a1e762b037966675dd892da89c87e39d72b33f6",
urls = [

# Check the bazel version and download npm dependencies
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "check_bazel_version", "yarn_install", "node_repositories")

# Bazel version must be at least the following version because:
#   - 0.27.0 Adds managed directories support
    message = """
You no longer need to install Bazel on your machine.
Angular has a dependency on the @bazel/bazel package which supplies it.
Try running `yarn bazel` instead.
    (If you did run that, check that you've got a fresh `yarn install`)

    minimum_bazel_version = "0.27.0",

# Setup the Node.js toolchain & install our npm dependencies into @npm
    name = "npm",
    package_json = "//:package.json",
    yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock",

    package_json = ["//:package.json"]

# Install all bazel dependencies of our npm packages
load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")


# Load npm_bazel_protractor dependencies
load("@npm_bazel_protractor//:package.bzl", "npm_bazel_protractor_dependencies")


# Load npm_bazel_karma dependencies
load("@npm_bazel_karma//:package.bzl", "rules_karma_dependencies")


# Setup the rules_webtesting toolchain
load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories")


# Temporary work-around for
# TODO(gregmagolan): go back to @io_bazel_rules_webtesting browser_repositories
load("@npm_bazel_karma//:browser_repositories.bzl", "browser_repositories")


# Setup the rules_typescript tooolchain
load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_setup_workspace")


# Setup the rules_sass toolchain
load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//sass:sass_repositories.bzl", "sass_repositories")


# Support for Remote Execution #

    name = "bazel_toolchains",
    sha256 = "88e818f9f03628eef609c8429c210ecf265ffe46c2af095f36c7ef8b1855fef5",
    strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-92dd8a7",
    urls = [

# Support creating Docker images for our node apps #

    name = "io_bazel_rules_docker",
    sha256 = "aed1c249d4ec8f703edddf35cbe9dfaca0b5f5ea6e4cd9e83e99f3b0d1136c3d",
    strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.7.0",
    urls = [""],

load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//nodejs:image.bzl", nodejs_image_repos = "repositories")


# ####################################################
# # Kubernetes setup, for deployment to Google Cloud #
# ####################################################

# git_repository(
#     name = "io_bazel_rules_k8s",
#     commit = "36ae5b534cc51ab0815c9bc723760469a9f7175c",
#     remote = "",
#     shallow_since = "1545317854 -0500",
# )

# load("@io_bazel_rules_k8s//k8s:k8s.bzl", "k8s_defaults", "k8s_repositories")

# k8s_repositories()

# k8s_defaults(
#     # This creates a rule called "k8s_deploy" that we can call later
#     name = "k8s_deploy",
#     # This is the name of the cluster as it appears in:
#     #   kubectl config view --minify -o=jsonpath='{.contexts[0].context.cluster}'
#     cluster = "_".join([
#         "gke",
#         "internal-200822",
#         "us-west1-a",
#         "lopez-ui",
#     ]),
#     kind = "deployment",
# )

I don't understand what is wrong. I've been following the angular-bazel-example for reference. Can you help me understand the problem here? Thank you!