baztian / jaydebeapi

JayDeBeApi module allows you to connect from Python code to databases using Java JDBC. It provides a Python DB-API v2.0 to that database.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Windows fatal exception: access violation when trying to connect to h2 db #213

Open stephenharper82 opened 2 years ago

stephenharper82 commented 2 years ago


I get this error when I try to connect to a h2 db. It doesn't appear to halt execution though and I can see the connection made, tables created, data inserted and results queried, but the stacktrace isn't very nice.

Unfortunately this is happening in my work and I can't really share full details. I'm doing this from my home PC retrospectilvey. Hopefully this is enough detail, but I can supply anything else if you need it.

I am using python 3.7. These are the relevant dependencies:

JayDeBeApi 1.2.3 JPype 1.3.0

con = jaydebeapi.connect("org.h2.Driver", "jdbc:h2:mem:.", ["sa", ""], "resources/h2-1.4.197.jar",)

I can see it is happening on jpye/ line 227 in startJVM where it calls _jpype.startuip(jvmpath...

It does make the connection, and is able to create table, insert and populate , but doesn't look very clean.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks, Stephen

KfirHev commented 3 weeks ago

Hi , Have the exact same issue here , all is working but got a nasty error : indows fatal exception: access violation

Current thread 0x0000a1f4 (most recent call first): File "C:\Users\hkfir\PycharmProjects\KfirDemoAPIAuto.venv\Lib\site-packages\", line 247 in startJVM

I am using python 3.12. These are the relevant dependencies:

JayDeBeApi 1.2.3 JPype 1.5.0

This is the code that interacts with the db: HOST = "localhost" PORT = 9001 DATABASE_NAME = "parabank" JDBC_URL = f"jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://{HOST}:{PORT}/{DATABASE_NAME}" JDBC_DRIVER = "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver" JDBC_DRIVER_PATH = "libs/hsqldb.jar" # Path to the JAR inside the 'libs' folder USERNAME = "SA" # Default user for HSQLDB PASSWORD = "" # Default password for HSQLDB (empty by default)

def get_customer_ids_from_db(cls, query):
    Queries the HSQLDB database and returns customer IDs that match the specified query.

        query (str): The SQL query to execute on the database.

        list: A list of customer IDs retrieved from the database.
        conn = jaydebeapi.connect(cls.JDBC_DRIVER, cls.JDBC_URL, [cls.USERNAME, cls.PASSWORD],
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute the query

        # Fetch all results
        customer_ids = cursor.fetchall()

        # Close the cursor and connection

        log = cls.get_logger()"this are the customer ids found {customer_ids}")

        # Return the customer IDs (list of tuples)
        return customer_ids

    except Exception as e:
        log = cls.get_logger()
        log.error(f"Error while executing the query: {query}. Error: {e}")

Thanks , Kfir