I'll have to separate Cinch config options that 1:1 (config:variable-names) into their own hash (yml) -- then I can map that in the following way:
config.each { |k,v| c.send("#{k}=", v) }
Then map the other non-cinch (ayumi) "discrepancy" data manually
<bazzy> Is there a way to programatically correlate the following pattern:
[23:34] <bazzy> c.user = config["user"]
[23:34] <bazzy> c.realname = config["realname"]
[23:34] <bazzy> c.server = config["server"]
[23:35] <bazzy> we see the string is the same as the variable ...
[23:35] <bazzy> I'd like to, if possible, not have to manually correlate the data
[23:35] * danielpclark (~danielpcl@c-71-62-7-94.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #ruby
[23:35] <Radar> is it always the same?
[23:35] <bazzy> if it wasn't, I don't think I could consider this as a solution ..
[23:35] <bazzy> unfortunately, I can only say, "for now, yes"
[23:35] * LoneHermit has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:36] <bazzy> It should be that way for a very long time AFAIK
[23:36] <Radar> If it's a perfect 1-to-1 match then you can do this
[23:36] <Radar> config.each { |k,v| c.send("#{k}=", v) }
[23:36] <Radar> But if it's not, then you'll have to specify them manually as you have been doing.
[23:36] * hahuang61 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[23:37] * kareeoleez (~kareeolee@ppp005054118211.access.hol.gr) has joined #ruby
[23:37] <bazzy> it looks like my safest option is to stay manual .. I am noticing some discrepancies in the assignments
[23:38] <bazzy> hm.. actually .. I see a way to separate the "discrepancy" options so that I can group the non-discrepancies into their own hash .. and be able to reap the benefits of automatic assignment there
[23:38] * bruno- has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
I'll have to separate Cinch config options that 1:1 (config:variable-names) into their own hash (yml) -- then I can map that in the following way:
config.each { |k,v| c.send("#{k}=", v) }
Then map the other non-cinch (ayumi) "discrepancy" data manually