bbarakaci / fixto

A jQuery plugin for sticky positioning
MIT License
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Issue in Safari #10

Closed blfeigel closed 10 years ago

blfeigel commented 10 years ago

I have a header and sidebar fixed to screen, but in safari it is jumping/flashing as I scroll. which mainly occurs on the sidebar.

bbarakaci commented 10 years ago
blfeigel commented 10 years ago

Here is a link to the example. I'm using Safari Version 6.1.3 and don't have transitions on this element. As I have been debugging, I can see that disabling the dropdown stops it from jumping, but I haven't been able to pinpoint why.


bbarakaci commented 10 years ago


I noticed that there is a usage $('#sideNav').fixTo('#contentWrap', {zIndex:10, mind:'header'}); This is not intended usage because #sideNav is not a child of #contentWrap. They are siblings. But it seems to work lol. I destroyed it and used .wrapper as the parent but result was the same. It jumped on scroll.

Once #sideNav is fixed i don't observe any manipulation done by fixto, like modifying it's top value. Position is set to fixed, top is forced to 87px by your css rule and no attribute is modified anymore, but jumping occurs.

I destroyed the fixto for sidenav and set position fixed manually from console. I still observe the jumping. So i will say it might be a layout issue or as you mentioned, layout might be effected by another widget.

Try the same, don't use fixto for sidenav and set position to fixed by css and observe.

I destroyed all fixto instances, set position to fixed and still observed jumping. You can also erase all fixto usages, set sidenav position to fix and observe, to make sure that it is not a fixto issue.

Good luck.