bbatsche / Verify

BDD Assertions for PHPUnit and Codeception
MIT License
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Subject Stack #90

Open bbatsche opened 2 years ago

bbatsche commented 2 years ago


When switching verifiers, we may want to use the resolved value as a (temporary) subject. For example, in our docs on switching verifiers we go from verifying the return value of a method to file contents. The “subject” for the file verifier should never be the object or method, it should always be the returned value.


Add the concept of an “original” subject versus resolved subject. The withVerifier() method will provide both. There must then be some consistent logic for what the target verifier will consider the subject under test. Some examples:


Add parameter to constructors for “previous verifier”, whenever we use withVerifier() pass along the previous verifier. Using any of the magic methods will target the current subject. If the method doesn’t work or make sense with the subject we will traverse up the stack until we find a subject where the method makes sense.

Add methods for previousSubject() and originalSubject() to allow user to explicitly traverse the stack

bbatsche commented 2 years ago

How do we resolve something like this:

verify($subject)->/* ... */
    ->file()->contain('log content')
    ->file()->contain('some json')
    ->jsonContent()->some_key->is()->identicalTo('some value');

Do we try to do some heuristics on $subject to determine if it's an object/array/JSON? Probably not, too many pitfalls and better to be explicit in writing tests rather than making invisible assumptions on behalf of user.

Treat $subject as an object unless arrayContent() or jsonContent() is used. If we do that, can we use jsonContent() to parse the contents of a file? Maybe a different method? And then can we use arrayContent() inspect the values of that JSON data?

We're really diving deeper into one of the earliest challenges of writing assertions about both a parent subject and it's internal values.

bbatsche commented 2 years ago

Alternatively, do we create a "return to root" method that resets everything back to the original subject? So all assertions just go further and further down the chain unless reset? Would break existing behavior of attribute & method assertions. Really don't like that; that behavior is predictable and well optimized.

Perhaps a subject stack? And then some way to explicitly pop subjects? Or do we try to traverse up until we find a subject that would be compatible with whatever accessor we're using?

bbatsche commented 1 year ago

Move away from multiple verifiers that extend Base / Value and instead create "subject resolvers". By default resolver is just getting original value, but methods will swap in property/method chain resolver, invoked object, array / JSON content, file content, etc