bbatsov / helm-projectile

Helm UI for Projectile
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Candidates function ‘helm-ag--do-ag-candidate-process’ should run a process #113

Closed arichiardi closed 6 years ago

arichiardi commented 6 years ago

Emacs version 27.0.50

Operating system Ubuntu

Steps to reproduce

It seems that whenever I start helm-projectile-ag and then delete whatever it is in the minibuffer, and add -s (space after the -s), the error is thrown.

Expected behavior

to return zero candidates?

Actual behavior

Error running timer: (error "Candidates function ‘helm-ag--do-ag-candidate-process’ should run a process")
error in process sentinel: while: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
error in process sentinel: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
error in process sentinel: while: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
error in process sentinel: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
helm: Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session

Backtraces if necessary (M-x toggle-debug-on-error)

I cannot copy the trace but I can paste a screenshot 2018-08-02-161312_1678x571_scrot

Environment & version information

helm v2.9.8 + all others latest master

Search command

ag version 0.31.0

  +jit +lzma +zlib

("ag" "--nocolor" "--nogroup" "--ignore-case" "--ignore" "TAGS" "--ignore" ".#*" "--ignore" "*.hi" "--ignore" "*.o" "--ignore" "*~" "--ignore" "*.bin" "--ignore" "*.lbin" "--ignore" "*.so" "--ignore" "*.a" "--ignore" "*.ln" "--ignore" "*.blg" "--ignore" "*.bbl" "--ignore" "*.elc" "--ignore" "*.lof" "--ignore" "*.glo" "--ignore" "*.idx" "--ignore" "*.lot" "--ignore" "*.fmt" "--ignore" "*.tfm" "--ignore" "*.class" "--ignore" "*.fas" "--ignore" "*.lib" "--ignore" "*.mem" "--ignore" "*.x86f" "--ignore" "*.sparcf" "--ignore" "*.dfsl" "--ignore" "*.pfsl" "--ignore" "*.d64fsl" "--ignore" "*.p64fsl" "--ignore" "*.lx64fsl" "--ignore" "*.lx32fsl" "--ignore" "*.dx64fsl" "--ignore" "*.dx32fsl" "--ignore" "*.fx64fsl" "--ignore" "*.fx32fsl" "--ignore" "*.sx64fsl" "--ignore" "*.sx32fsl" "--ignore" "*.wx64fsl" "--ignore" "*.wx32fsl" "--ignore" "*.fasl" "--ignore" "*.ufsl" "--ignore" "*.fsl" "--ignore" "*.dxl" "--ignore" "*.lo" "--ignore" "*.la" "--ignore" "*.gmo" "--ignore" "*.mo" "--ignore" "*.toc" "--ignore" "*.aux" "--ignore" "*.cp" "--ignore" "*.fn" "--ignore" "*.ky" "--ignore" "*.pg" "--ignore" "*.tp" "--ignore" "*.vr" "--ignore" "*.cps" "--ignore" "*.fns" "--ignore" "*.kys" "--ignore" "*.pgs" "--ignore" "*.tps" "--ignore" "*.vrs" "--ignore" "*.pyc" "--ignore" "*.pyo" "--ignore" "{arch}" "--ignore" "_darcs" "--ignore" "_MTN" "--ignore" ".bzr" "--ignore" ".hg" "--ignore" ".git" "--ignore" ".svn" "--ignore" ".src" "--ignore" "MCVS" "--ignore" "CVS" "--ignore" "RCS" "--ignore" "SCCS" "--ignore" "node_modules/" "--ignore" ".idea/" "--ignore" ".ensime_cache/" "--ignore" ".eunit/" "--ignore" ".git/" "--ignore" ".hg/" "--ignore" ".fslckout/" "--ignore" "_FOSSIL_/" "--ignore" ".bzr/" "--ignore" "_darcs/" "--ignore" ".tox/" "--ignore" ".svn/" "--ignore" ".stack-work/" "--all-text" "provider")
xiongtx commented 6 years ago

This is a problem in emacs-helm's helm-do-ag, which helm-projectile leverages. Please report it upstream.

arichiardi commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the forward!