bbatsov / helm-projectile

Helm UI for Projectile
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Save helm-projectile-find-file results into a persistent buffer. #80

Closed wusticality closed 6 years ago

wusticality commented 7 years ago

Expected behavior

Executing helm-projectile-find-file and then typing C-x C-s should allow the user to save the search results into a persistent buffer.

Actual behavior

I get the error helm: Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session. There could also be a save action (activated when hitting TAB to get to the actions pane).

Steps to reproduce the problem

Backtraces if necessary (M-x toggle-debug-on-error)

Environment & version information

xiongtx commented 6 years ago

Not being able to save-buffer is default Helm functionality. C-x C-s will signal the same error when using helm-find-files etc.

To get this working, some modification will have to be made to helm-read-file-name and possibly more.

As a workaround, if you C-g after calling helm-projectile-find-file, you can switch to the *helm projectile* buffer and see that the contents are there. Note that helm-buffers-list, helm-mini etc. will ignore internal Helm (*helm ...*) buffers by default, but it's still there.

wusticality commented 6 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll give that a try.