bbatsov / helm-projectile

Helm UI for Projectile
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Separate buffers for separate projects #81

Closed danielma closed 6 years ago

danielma commented 7 years ago introduced buffer-local caching of certain project variables, which in turn has caused issues with other commands not working properly. One example is

When using helm-projectile, helm-projectile-find-file is broken after switching buffers, because all helm commands are run in the context of a global helm-projectile buffer, incorrect cache values are return from functions like (projectile-project-root)

My particular issue has been that after switching to a new project, or moving between windows, helm-projectile-find-file has opened helm with a list of files from the previous project.

I was able to fix this initially by adding (projectile-reset-cached-project-root) into the :candidates for helm-source-projectile-files-list but that would seem to break the point of the project caching that was recently introduced.

By executing helm commands in a separate buffer for each project, we are able to take advantage of performance boosts from buffer-local caches