bbatsov / projectile

Project Interaction Library for Emacs
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Ignoring files does not work #184

Closed kek closed 9 years ago

kek commented 10 years ago

Ignoring files doesn't seem to work. I have created a .projectile file in the project with the following contents:


Still, when I do projectile-find-file, all kinds of crap from .settings, lib_managed and target show up.

I'm using version 0.9.1 on Emacs

bbatsov commented 10 years ago

Try using the current master, since 0.9.1 is quite outdated, and let me know if you have the same problem.

deftsp commented 10 years ago

I have following contents in my .projectile


Ignore -res works, but .png and .jpg file still keep show up. projectile version: f5cccda4d3160b1f82d157baa048b8092ea1ba77

spookylukey commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing the same. I removed projectile, and installed from MELPA, projectile-20131120.1056

I can't get projectile to ignore relative directories, either using .projectile or projectile-globally-ignored-directories. With projectile-globally-ignored-directories, it only ignores those directories if they are in the root of the project.

spookylukey commented 10 years ago

I should note that this applies only when using external indexing. With native indexing, files/directories are ignored, but then I have to suffer the slowness of native indexing :-(

dakrone commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing this issue also, on the latest commit 4f4ed3c1e7.

andyleejordan commented 10 years ago

I'm on Projectile version: 0.10.0 (package: 20140330.404) and am also seeing this issue. I have -*.dat in my .projectile, but it's still showing my data files. I've cleared the cache with projectile-invalidate-cache and restarted Emacs but to no avail.

daveray commented 10 years ago

Same here.

starenka commented 10 years ago

Using 20140416.1040

projectile-invalidate-cache called, still files not being ignored (f.e ace's bootstrap-theme directory is so heavy it renders find files in project unusable)

my .projectile file:

andyleejordan commented 10 years ago

You know what does work? Adding the files to .gitignore. Projectile won't list those. Not quite a fix, but it is a workaround.

kleewho commented 10 years ago

@starenka If you're only have one bootstrap-theme dir then you could add / in front

starenka commented 10 years ago

unfortunately i can't use vcs ingore (need to be comited) neither / trick as the dir is being collected to static dir too

nloyola commented 9 years ago

I have *.png files in my project and Projectile does not ignore them when I've set them to be ignored in the .projectile file. I'm using the native indexing method. This is happening with the master branch with the latest commit being 2f89c17 on Nov 13, 2014.

I'm using M-x helm-projectile-grep and results in the PNG files are showing up which is undesirable.

I'm using Emacs 24.4.1 on Ubuntu 14.10.


tuhdo commented 9 years ago

@nloyola To ignore files for grepping with helm-projectile-grep/ack, you must customize either one of these four variables:

You can add to this to your init.el:

(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "*.png")

Add more if you want.

Alternatively, C-h v then type projectile-globally-ignored-files. In the customization window, press INS button and add "*.png", then press State button and choose Save for future session.

You can read the guide for helm-projectile-grep/ack/ag

EDIT: Don't put it in .projectile files or your files won't be ignored when grepping.

nloyola commented 9 years ago

Thanks for that @tuhdo. I will update my configuration.

However, PNG files are still showing up when I use M-x projectile-find-file or M-x helm-projectile-find-file.

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

To ignore files in those two commands you'll have to do it in .projectile file.

nloyola commented 9 years ago

@tuhdo, the problem is that I've already added a wildcard for PNG files in my .projectile file and the files are not being ignored. Maybe that was not clear in my original post.

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

Ah yes I remember it now. I tried to ignores files a few days ago and it did not work. Only directory ignoring works. It probably has problem with Projectile's file ignoring function.

nloyola commented 9 years ago

As suggested by @tuhdo, I've added *.png to both grep-find-ignored-files and projectile-globally-ignored-files, and PNG files are still showing up in my results when i use M-x helm-projectile-grep.

However, they are not showing up when I use M-x projectile-grep or M-x helm-projectile-ag.

Is this a Helm problem?


tuhdo commented 9 years ago

Hmm it works for me both on Windows and Linux. I will give you a screenshot for that, but I will take a look soon.

nloyola commented 9 years ago

Here are my settings:

ELISP> (message "%s" grep-find-ignored-files)
"(.#* *.o *~ *.bin *.lbin *.so *.a *.ln *.blg *.bbl *.elc *.lof *.glo *.idx *.lot *.fmt *.tfm *.class *.fas *.lib *.mem *.x86f *.sparcf *.dfsl *.pfsl *.d64fsl *.p64fsl *.lx64fsl *.lx32fsl *.dx64fsl *.dx32fsl *.fx64fsl *.fx32fsl *.sx64fsl *.sx32fsl *.wx64fsl *.wx32fsl *.fasl *.ufsl *.fsl *.dxl *.lo *.la *.gmo *.mo *.toc *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.pg *.tp *.vr *.cps *.fns *.kys *.pgs *.tps *.vrs *.pyc *.pyo *.png *.odg)"
ELISP> (message "%s" projectile-globally-ignored-files)
tuhdo commented 9 years ago

@nloyola It works on my machine. Here is a demo with just necessary packages installed, you can see the difference before and after I added *.pngt ("t" stands for "test") in projectile-globally-ignored-files:


Could you try it again on a fresh installation similar to above?

nloyola commented 9 years ago

I updated my Emacs packages today, and the problem with M-x helm-projectile-grep and PNG files no longer happens. Thanks for your help @tuhdo.

yatesco commented 9 years ago

I realised this is closed, but are there any plans for helm-projectile-grep to honour .projectile? If not (which is a shame), is there a way I can specify values for vars on a per-projectile-project basis (i.e. ignore XYZ in this project but ABC in that project)?


habamax commented 8 years ago

I have almost the same problem as OP.

My .projectile file is:


and with M-x projectile-find-file I can see that +/Assets filter works -- there is a list from that dir. But excluding doesn't work. All files are in the list.

I have the latest melpa version installed:

  projectile         20151111.2318 installed             Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily
habamax commented 8 years ago

Okay, it looks like it basically works... but excluding is not nested. My previous .projectile should be written as

featalion commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue with projectile + helm-projectile + persp-projectile. It seems, that projectile's indexing method is changed implicitly by one of the extensions. I've added

(setq projectile-indexing-method 'native)

into .emacs.d/init.el after all requires and configurations of the projectile and extensions. It fixes the issue for me.

nickenchev commented 5 years ago

Switching to the "native" indexer worked, but opening files becomes slower. If I understand correctly, projectile uses Git for it's indexing if it's not using the native method, which is why .projectile ignores are, ignored? No way to combine the two? I have files that need to be in my Git repo, but I really don't like sifting through them when searching for project files, such as dependencies.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

wpcarro commented 4 years ago

According to the documentation of projectile-indexing-method:

The alien indexing method optimizes to the limit the speed
of the hybrid indexing method.  This means that Projectile will
not do any processing of the files returned by the external
commands and you're going to get the maximum performance
possible.  This behaviour makes a lot of sense for most people,
as they'd typically be putting ignores in their VCS config and
won't care about any additional ignores/unignores/sorting that
Projectile might also provide.

Is this the desired behavior or just the current behavior? It seems to me like regardless of indexing method, commands should respect the .projectile file.

If that's the case, it shouldn't be too difficult to filter the list of files returned by the 'alien index by the .projectile ignore file.

sorawee commented 4 years ago

Also, the documentation at claims that

The contents of .projectile are ignored when using the alien project indexing method.

But in fact, hybrid method also doesn't work.

amfern commented 4 years ago

hybrid mode doesn't respect .projectile neither, also i think projectile should respect .ignore file, as it became standard across search tools

countvajhula commented 3 years ago

@nickenchev @wpcarro Try using projectile-ripgrep together with a .ignore or .rgignore file. I had this issue as well and finally set some time aside to figure out a solution and wrote it up in a blog post along with some learnings. Hope it helps 👍

eayin2 commented 3 years ago

I have following contents in my .projectile


Ignore -res works, but .png and .jpg file still keep show up. projectile version: f5cccda

Omitting the dot worked for me inside .projectile. Tried it with native search:

countvajhula commented 3 years ago

Hi @eayin2 ! I notice you downvoted my earlier comment. That's all good, but just curious, did you try my suggestion? If you ran into any issues with it, I'd love to know, since I really think ripgrep is the best option here. I'm happy to help if you ran into any issues in getting it working - just post the details of the problem you ran into.

eayin2 commented 3 years ago

@countvajhula Yes, I tried it and it didn't work for me., but maybe I used it wrongly. I think with ripgrep you search through the contents of the files and not just for the file names? I usually just do C-c-p-f and select the file I want to open, not doing something like grep -R.

countvajhula commented 3 years ago

Ah you're quite right @eayin2 , I didn't realize that some of the discussion here is about the find-file feature you're talking about rather than grep search. ripgrep ignores would not be recognized by projectile when using the find-file feature -- the only way to get ignores working with find-file seems to be to use native indexing.

Ideally, with alien indexing, projectile should still recognize projectile-globally-ignored-files (which @tuhdo mentioned), but it doesn't seem like it does. Until that point, a stopgap option if you're using alien indexing could be to advise the find-file feature to filter the returned list of files:

(defun my-projectile-filter-ignores (orig-fn &rest args)
  (let* ((files (apply orig-fn args))
         (ignores (list "/res" "\\.png"))) ; whatever regex you want to exclude
    (seq-filter (lambda (f)
                  (let ((matches (seq-map (lambda (pat)
                                            (string-match-p pat f))
                    (not (seq-reduce (lambda (a b)
                                       (or a b))

Add the advice so that find-file will return the filtered results:

(advice-add 'projectile-project-files :around #'my-projectile-filter-ignores)

The advice can always be removed:

(advice-remove 'projectile-project-files #'my-projectile-filter-ignores)

Note that these are global excludes, not per-project. But of course, a proper fix here would be for projectile to recognize .projectile excludes (or defer to a standard like .ignore as @amfern suggested) even when using alien indexing.

julienlabbe commented 2 years ago

I rewrote the solution given by @countvajhula to use patterns and paths defined in .projectile files.

The function my-projectile-filter-ignores filters the files list with patterns from projectile-patterns-to-ignore and paths from projectile-paths-to-ignore (theses two variables are defined by projectile from the .projectile file):

(defun my-projectile-filter-ignores (files)
  "Remove from FILES patterns defined in
`projectile-patterns-to-ignore' and paths defined in

Setting this function as advice for `projectile-remove-ignored'
permits to use rules defined in .projectile ignoring files, with
the 'hybrid' indexation method."
  (let ((ignored-patterns (projectile-patterns-to-ignore))
         (ignored-paths (projectile-paths-to-ignore)))
     (lambda (file)
       (or (cl-some
            (lambda (pattern)
              (string-match-p pattern file))
            (lambda (dir)
              (string-match-p (concat "^\\(\\./\\)+" dir "/") file))

The function can be used as advice for projectile-remove-ignored:

(advice-add 'projectile-remove-ignored :filter-return #'my-projectile-filter-ignores)

With this, I can use .projectile files with the hybrid indexation method. Without, patterns and paths ignored are not taken into account (with emacs 27.1, doom emacs 6cb2c6e96 and projectile 4d6da87).