bbborbo / ArtificerExtended

Artificer extended
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Particles left behind from Energetic Resonance: Lightning bolts for non hosts on Multiplayer #12

Open Simpada opened 7 months ago

Simpada commented 7 months ago

For players that are not hosting, whenever an artificer fire Lightning Bolts, purple, star like particles are left behind. These particles are permanent, staying for the entire duration of the level. This is especially notable with Charged Nano-Bomb and Ion Surge, which both spawns alot of bolts. These leave behind a whole cluster of permanent particles.

FreezyMLGNoob commented 7 months ago

I'm having the exact same issue, it only affects the non host players

bbborbo commented 5 months ago

i think i found the source of the error and fixed it for the next update! thanks!