Open Gigamick opened 4 years ago
I'd be happy to investigate. Can you share an example WAV file with me? My contact email is in the commit history.
Thanks!! (ps I also emailed you....)
I also have this "bug" with 60min length .wav file (pcm / 16 bits / stereo / 48kHz). All is saturated in the json export (all values are -127,+128 in 8 bits, or -32767,+32768 in 16 bits).
The "bug" can be resolved by increasing the number of measurements (= decreasing --zoom
param or decreasing --pixels-per-second
param). But this increase a lot the weight of the json file.
Can you provide an example audio file for me to look at?
here is the WAV file (680Mb) :
command executed :
% audiowaveform -i audiowaveform-test.WAV -o audiowaveform-test.json --zoom 172800 --bits 8 --split-channels
Input file: audiowaveform-test.WAV
Frames: 172800000
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
Channels: 2
Format: 0x10002
Sections: 1
Seekable: yes
Generating waveform data...
Samples per pixel: 172800
Input channels: 2
Output channels: 2
Done: 100%
Read 172800000 frames
Generated 1000 points
Output file: audiowaveform-test.json
and excerpt of the json generated file :
I set the zoom value at 172800 thinking there will be 1000 measurements (48000 * 3600 / 1000) ...
% audiowaveform --version
AudioWaveform v1.6.0
OS MacOS 12.5.1 (Monterey). audiowaveform installed with homebrew
Thanks, I've downloaded the file, I'll take a look.
It's the same if I view in Audacity, the waveform is saturated. You see more detail with a lower zoom level, but if you need a fixed 1000 pixel width image, with this audio it'll just look like a solid block. So audiowaveform is working as designed. I wonder what ffmpeg is doing?
@Gigamick Did we figure out what was happening in your case? I don't remember the details, I apologise if I didn't reply...
Thanks for your reply. The command i use with ffmpeg is the following :
ffmpeg -y -i audiowaveform-test.WAV \
-f lavfi -i color=s=960x540:c=0x292933 \
-filter_complex \
"[0:a]showwavespic=s=960x540:colors=0xffffff:split_channels=1[waveform]; \
[1:v][waveform]overlay=0:0" \
-frames:v 1 \
-hide_banner -loglevel warning \
When I use this on my application for MP3's it's all amazing. However I have some users uploading .WAV files and their waveform renders look like this:
Which is very wrong. Any ideas?