bbc / brave

Basic Real-time AV Editor - allowing you to preview, mix, and route live audio and video streams on the cloud
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mixer wrong dimension and green #53

Closed hjanuschka closed 4 years ago

hjanuschka commented 4 years ago

hey 🤚 great project!! ❤️

having the following problem. when i have a couple of sources (uri, mp4) - and i cut_to_source them on the mixer1 on the first run it looks like: (wrong color, and i think it is the wrong dimensions)

Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-28 um 10 34 45

clicking on the eye deleting it from the mixer, and cut_to_source again, fixes it Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-28 um 10 57 42

if i add an output directly to the source, it is stable/normal from the beginning. so i suspect some problem in the mixer, do you have any idea, where i could start looking at?

hjanuschka commented 4 years ago

once all sources have been toggled atleast once, the cut_to_source back and forth works flawless 👍

moschopsuk commented 4 years ago

Hello @hjanuschka.

We've not seen any issue like this before. What type of uri sources have you been testing with?

I'm not a 100% sure but it could be some issues with the caps not being parsed correctly by underlying gstreamer.

hjanuschka commented 4 years ago

it seemed to be a issue with gst 1.17-HEAD - rolled back to 1.16 and it was working.