bbc / brave

Basic Real-time AV Editor - allowing you to preview, mix, and route live audio and video streams on the cloud
Apache License 2.0
653 stars 148 forks source link

Is brave dead? #88

Open SonnyWalkman opened 2 years ago

SonnyWalkman commented 2 years ago

Has there been anymore discussion and work with replacing intervideo interaudio with ridgeruns interpipes?

nikell28 commented 2 years ago

@SonnyWalkman Dead , more than completely

RobertLowe commented 2 years ago

How did it die? Did BBC axe it, or just no interest anymore, or etc?

nikell28 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I am not aware of the motives. There is no podderka and it is impossible to reach the maintainer

matthew1000 commented 2 years ago

👋 Brave is a prototype ... it's not had much evolution because other internal systems were developed instead.

I'm hopeful that time can be found to update this prototype; but alas priorities have been elsewhere of recent.

RobertLowe commented 2 years ago

@matthew1000 can you provide any insight into how those systems changed? I'm curious if gstreamer is still used and if python is still used in that context? Or some new implementation appeared.

Just interested in tech around this, any big picture is much appreciated

matthew1000 commented 2 years ago

@RobertLowe Yes, the internal BBC system is quite similar to Brave. It uses GStreamer and Python. It uses interpipes too which is more reliable as previously mentioned. The primary difference from Brave is that it's designed to fit in with other BBC systems - there's quite a bit of bespoke integration.

We've now done hundreds of hours of live streaming on the BBC website this way. GStreamer is awesome.

SonnyWalkman commented 1 year ago

@matthew1000, I agree, Gstreamer is awesome. It's a dream come true to live AV..

hatsch commented 1 year ago

wave Brave is a prototype ... it's not had much evolution because other internal systems were developed instead.

I'm hopeful that time can be found to update this prototype; but alas priorities have been elsewhere of recent.

we are in the progress to build a gstreamer based (live) playout for our community TV station. It will be heavily based on BRAVE ( if not a fork ) we plan to incorporate suggestions above to use interpipes but i wonder if there's a realistic chance that you find time to share some of that changes you've made to make BRAVE more reliable in the near future? @matthew1000

Anyway gstreamer is awesome, so is BRAVE. Thank you