bbc / peaks.js

JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Compability with VideoJS library #470

Closed ashinojiya closed 1 year ago

ashinojiya commented 1 year ago

In my project, I am using videojs librabry ( to display video and with that I want to use peak.js to display waveform. For this I have created the video tag and pass the id of the element to mediaElement property but its not loading the waveform and giving the error The mediaElement option should be an HTMLMediaElement.

Video element

<video #target id="videjsEle" class="video-js" controls playsinline preload="true"></video>

Peaks options

 let options: any = {
      zoomview: {
        container: document.getElementById('zoomview-container'),
        showPlayheadTime: true,
        waveformColor: "#979797",
      overview: {
        container: document.getElementById('overview-container')
      mediaElement: document.getElementById('videjsEle'),

      dataUri: {
        arraybuffer: this.spectrographURL,

      waveformCache: true,
      zoomLevels: [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096],
      // Random color per segment (overrides segmentColor)
      randomizeSegmentColor: false,
      keyboard: true,
      scrollbar: {
        container: document.getElementById('scrollbar-container'),
        color: '#888',
        minWidth: 100

Please let me know if anything I am wrong in this.

chrisn commented 1 year ago

The options object looks OK, assuming you're using v3.0.0-beta - but note that the randomizeSegmentColor option has been removed. I don't recognise the video element #target attribute, though.

What does console.log(document.getElementById('videjsEle')) output?

ashinojiya commented 1 year ago

The options object looks OK, assuming you're using v3.0.0-beta - but note that the randomizeSegmentColor option has been removed. I don't recognise the video element #target attribute, though.

What does console.log(document.getElementById('videjsEle')) output?

It gives video element

chrisn commented 1 year ago

Thank you. But, that's a <div> and not a <video> element. I assume the actual <video> is somewhere inside the <div>.

ashinojiya commented 1 year ago

Ohh okay, I found the video element in it and with that its working fine. Thank you :)