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WSTEAM1: Gets Success Screen translations from page data #11790

Closed Isabella-Mitchell closed 1 month ago

Isabella-Mitchell commented 1 month ago

Resolves JIRA [number]

Overall changes

Gets replyEmailAddress and retentionPeriod from UGC config to use on the form Success Screen.

Code changes

(Note this only supports forms that use retentionPeriod (a number of days). We noticed a current Competition using retentionExpiryDate (a set date). I've confirmed with editorial we are not yet supporting Compeitions.


Test on Storybook (Tested as part of development)

  1. Visit Success screen component storybook 'Components/FormScreens/SuccessScreen'
  2. See replyEmailAddress and retentionPeriod values displayed.
  3. Option to pull down locally and change/replace the values with empty string to check they change

Check on live (once merged)

  1. Visit an asset (will need to be one that you can reach the success screen of)
  2. Check UGC config file
  3. Cofirm replyEmailAddress and retentionPeriod in UGC config file are the same as those used on Success screen

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