bbc / wraith

Wraith — A responsive screenshot comparison tool
Apache License 2.0
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Dedicated support for SlimerJS #364

Open ChrisBAshton opened 8 years ago

ChrisBAshton commented 8 years ago

Wraith has improved a lot in recent versions, with increased abstraction away from the user, refactored code and better test coverage.

However, in the process, recent versions of Wraith no longer properly support SlimerJS (although SlimerJS is still referenced interchangeably with PhantomJS/CasperJS throughout the documentation). SlimerJS users would have to specify their own snap file and would also require some effort to make use of the before_capture functionality, etc.

Wraith has been refactored with SlimerJS support in mind, but for full Wraith/SlimerJS integration (including before_capture hooks, etc), we're looking at quite a substantial PR, which would be wasteful to do if nobody plans to use Wraith with SlimerJS.

So here I'm logging an issue - if it gets enough +1s, we can look into providing dedicated support for SlimerJS.

gunnx commented 8 years ago


jirimatousek commented 8 years ago


jbearden commented 8 years ago


Sabbi0612 commented 7 years ago


Medenius commented 7 years ago


juodaspaulius commented 7 years ago


ihorzenich commented 7 years ago

+1, cause PhantomJS becomes dead, and his Webkit engine is outdated, so we all need some recent browser engine, and SlimerJS is the only one that exists now.

hey-ape commented 7 years ago


vishal-quint commented 7 years ago


zapatoche commented 6 years ago


ClementChaumel commented 6 years ago


cromination commented 6 years ago


vishal-quint commented 6 years ago

The new Wraith supports chrome browser now, so this might not be required any more.

patricknelson commented 5 years ago

Not only that, but this documentation page (which links here) should probably be updated to reflect the Chrome support.

I was just researching this while thinking about picking up this tool, but I was considering long term support now that PhantomJS/CasperJS are both now officially dead. It would make sense to rewrite the codebase and migrate the documentation to reflect this new shift. Maybe add a new issue or update this one to reflect going full-on with Slimer + Selenium Webdriver?

While this has a great feature set, without full support for a working and actively maintained browser backend, it’s not as enticing to pick it up as a new user. Currently I can’t tell offhand from the docs how to set this up using Selenium Webdriver (without using a 4yr old fork of the repo, implemented now in #541?)

EDIT: Also, related (for reference): #521

rteobaldo commented 5 years ago

Isn't more interesting use Firefox headless rather SlimerJS?