bbcarchdev / twine

An RDF workflow engine
Apache License 2.0
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spindle: Rulebase should be expressed as RDF that is loaded at startup #4

Closed nevali closed 9 years ago

nevali commented 9 years ago

Currently the proxy-generation rulebase is defined statically and compiled into It should be configurable, and expressed by way of an RDF serialisation in a file which can be loaded at startup.

Because the rule-base primarily concerns RDF classes and predicates, writing the rulebase as (for example) Turtle would feel a lot more natural than shoehorning it into an ini-style format.

Class example:

foaf:Person a spindle:Class ;
    olo:index 50 ;
    rdfs:label "Person"@en .

po:Person spindle:expressedAs foaf:Person .