bbcmicrobit / micropython

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cannot get predicatble communicaiton with radio at 2 MBits #755

Open segrovets opened 2 years ago

segrovets commented 2 years ago


EDIT: I used the online IDE and the code from @microbit-carlos below. I found that setting radio.config(data_rate=radio.RATE_2MBIT) was causing the strange communication issue between different Micro:bit versions

I'm writing a script that involves communication between micro:bit devices. I want to at a later time isolate which m:b's on the network receive certain communications. So I was experimenting with manually setting the channel configuration. (if there is a better way to do this, e.g via setting address please let me know)

My issue is that my micro:bits cannot communicate to each other if set to the same channel. To replicate:

I have 2 m:b V2 devices and one m:b V1. All devices are connected to my pc via micro-usb cable.

I am using vs-code with the micro:bit python extension by MAKintact, seems to work great.

The issue (and my attempts at debugging): set channel = 0 m:b V2 devices can NOT communicate to each other m:b V1 device will receive messages from both V2's

When I set channel = 1 only on m:b V2-B m:b V2-B can send/receive to/from m:b V2-A m:b V2-B can receive from m:b V1, but not send to V1 m:b V2-A can send to both V1 and m:b V2-B, but cannot receive from V1

When I set both V2's one channel higher than the V1, V1 can send to both V2's, but nobody can receive signal from V2 A or B

When they are one channel apart V1:ch6 V2Ach7 V2Bch8 A and b can send/receive V1 can send to A but receives from no one

If i set V1 to ch7 and V2Ach6 and V2Bch8 V1 can send to both and no one else can communicate.

My only conclusion is that there is a miss-match in how these different micro:bits are interpreting channel information!

Appreciate your help :)


rhubarbdog commented 2 years ago

Hi is it all micro python or blocks and micro python?

microbit-carlos commented 1 year ago

Hi @segrovets

I've tried this code with a micro:bit V1.3 and a V2.00 with the micro:bit Python Editor and works correctly:

from microbit import *
import radio


while True:
        received = radio.receive()
        if received:
    except Exception as e:
    if button_a.is_pressed():

Pressing button A in either micro:bits and the hello message is correctly received in the other one.

Could you try this and see if it works for you?

segrovets commented 1 year ago

@microbit-carlos This code does work as expected, when used with

EDIT: I updated my original post with the cause of the bug. I had manually set a number of radio setting manually and setting the data_rate to 2MBIT was the cause of the issue.

Thank you. segrovets

microbit-carlos commented 1 year ago

Hi @segrovets, thanks for confirming the test code works.

I've given a try to the same code using 2 MBit data rate and I can confirm V1 to V2 doesn't work:

If I then change the V1 channel from 0 to channel 1, I can send data from V1 to V2, but not the other way:

Is this the same issue you were encountering? Can you still replicate these results?

segrovets commented 1 year ago

This is the same issue I was encountering I can confirm I am reproducing the following behaviour :

I've given a try to the same code using 2 MBit data rate and I can confirm V1 to V2 doesn't work:

* x V1 (ch0) -> V2 (ch0)

* white_check_mark V2 (ch0) -> V1(ch0)

Likewise this is also reproducible on my system.

If I then change the V1 channel from 0 to channel 1, I can send data from V1 to V2, but not the other way:

* white_check_mark  V1 (ch1) -> V2 (ch0)

* x V2 (ch0) -> V1(ch1)

Thank you for your follow up.

rhubarbdog commented 1 year ago

hi i've got 2 version one and 2 version two microbits and would like to reproduce this. what version of micropython are you running?