[x] check reference section formatting: missing "year" and "book/proceedings"
[ ] In table I, why is "synchronize at least 1 object" assigned higher rewards than "synchronize multiple objects"?
[x] In Fig 3, there are two y-axis but only one set of bar chart.
[ ] Practicality: As future work, the authors mention about a new reward function that captures information such as object size, number of conflicts, or localizing objects, etc. Will this lead to a reward function that's over-complicated and may take too long to make a selection? What's the time complexity of solving such a reward maximization problem? What if you want to do that in an online manner (resolving the same problem periodically)?
[x] How do you guarantee that there are no isolated regions? I.e., it's possible that a region is so faraway from all others that it no other regions choose to send updates to it based on the outcome of the algorithm. (add to future work)
[x] Ask Pete about adding Kostas as second author or adding an acknowledgment.
Review the following, possibly add to works cited:
HyParView: a membership protocol for reliable gossip-based broadcast
J. Leitão, J. Pereira and L. Rodrigues
Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Edinburgh, UK, June, 2007.
Tölgyesi N., Jelasity M. (2009) Adaptive Peer Sampling with Newscast. In: Sips H., Epema D., Lin HX. (eds) Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing. Euro-Par 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5704. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Review the following, possibly add to works cited:
HyParView: a membership protocol for reliable gossip-based broadcast J. Leitão, J. Pereira and L. Rodrigues Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Edinburgh, UK, June, 2007.
Tölgyesi N., Jelasity M. (2009) Adaptive Peer Sampling with Newscast. In: Sips H., Epema D., Lin HX. (eds) Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing. Euro-Par 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5704. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg