bbepis / XUnity.AutoTranslator

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Skip translating names #540

Open Rendlik61 opened 5 months ago

Rendlik61 commented 5 months ago

Hi, not sure that the title clearly says what I want to do I'm translating game King Of The Castle, which is game made for twitch -> anyone with any name can enter

Then I have lines like: "Your Majesty, this noble MegaBigDick is saying he has a right to your throne." I know that the translator propably doesn't have the capacity to skip names in real time, but when I edit the AutoTranslation file (or have ManualTransalation file) and there edit it to be for example

Your Majesty, this noble # is saying he has a right to your throne.=translated text

where # would mean that the translator will pick the name from game data I know that that would mean that the line is not the same as the one in game but maybe some of you know how to deal with that



Or is the substitusion a way to go? Canť test it right now tho

Your Majesty, this noble {{A}} is saying he has a right to your throne.=translated text {{A}} translated text ? Because people can name themselves however they want I'm not sure how to do it

In the end it's the same for:

King Potato Dynasty Farmland

These thigs player input when he plays so not translating the second part would help a lot

Next thing. When using the fist sentece Your Majesty, this noble # is saying he has a right to your throne.=translated text

The word "noble" can be name of one of 5 fractions so the sentence can have 5 versions for each name they come with. I'd need to skip 2 word then because these things are random decided which fraction will get this part of story

Or just use regex?

r:"Treasury is now ([0-9]+)"=xxx 1000 ?

SooHyuck commented 5 months ago

Your Majesty, this noble # is saying he has a right to your throne.=translated text

r:"^Your Majesty, this noble ([a-zA-Z0-9`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+|[]{};:'",.<>/?\s]+) is saying he has a right to your throne.$"=Your Majesty, this noble $1 is saying he has a right to your throne.

Try using a regex like the one above to test it out. It's a regex of alphabets + numbers + space + special characters, which may or may not work depending on the game.