I'm using the following code to get group info:
base="http://localhost:8080/" number=env("SIGNAL_PHONENUMBER") url=base + f"v1/groups/{number}" print(url) requests.get(url).json()
resulting in:
{'name': 'XXX', 'id': 'group......=', 'internal_id': '.....=', 'members': ['+1234567890', '', '', '', ''], 'blocked': False, 'pending_invites': [], 'pending_requests': [], 'invite_link': 'https://signal.group/.....', 'admins': ['+31234567890, '']}]
I want to get rid of the empty members in the group since they result in an error message when sending a message to the group
`# error message:
SignalCliRestApiError: Failed to send (some) messages:: Unregistered user ""
(8 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
I tried to remove them through the signal app itself, but that does not seem to work.
I tried using a DELETE request as follows (probably obvious):
I'm using the following code to get group info:
base="http://localhost:8080/" number=env("SIGNAL_PHONENUMBER") url=base + f"v1/groups/{number}" print(url) requests.get(url).json()
resulting in:: Unregistered user ""
(8 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
{'name': 'XXX', 'id': 'group......=', 'internal_id': '.....=', 'members': ['+1234567890', '', '', '', ''], 'blocked': False, 'pending_invites': [], 'pending_requests': [], 'invite_link': 'https://signal.group/.....', 'admins': ['+31234567890, '']}]
I want to get rid of the empty members in the group since they result in an error message when sending a message to the group `# error message: SignalCliRestApiError: Failed to send (some) messages:I tried to remove them through the signal app itself, but that does not seem to work. I tried using a DELETE request as follows (probably obvious):
`data={"members": [""]}
base="http://localhost:8080/" groupid="group.VXI1ODJnY01QcnBOckZiZVhNMVNGZVArcmtpS0lyNC9yUmRBUHhFWjV3Zz0=" number=env("SIGNAL_PHONENUMBER") url=base + f"v1/groups/{number}/{groupid}/delete" print(url) result = requests.delete(url, json=data) result.text `
Any ideas?