bbidulock / icewm

A window manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency
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Not a bug just a request. #239

Closed SolisX closed 5 years ago

SolisX commented 6 years ago

I'd like to make the taskbuttonactive look like this. But that would require to add 10 pixal xpm to the begin and end of taskbuttonbg,taskbuttonactive and taskbuttonminimized. Also to keep this new change from breaking old themes it should only use the new xpms if they are found in the theme. Just my idea. screen

gijsbers commented 6 years ago

Could it perhaps also be done by specifying a taskbutton margin of 10 pixels?

SolisX commented 6 years ago

@gijsbers If you mean add 10 pixpels to the taskbutton. No because the taskbutton does not have set size. So it will go from looking like this.


To looking like this. screen01

As well as the fact that the higher the resolution the bigger the size of the taskbutton.

gijsbers commented 6 years ago

So if a TaskButtonMargin of 10 would mean to copy 10 pixels of the initially loaded XPM on the left and 10 on the right and only stretch those 10 vertically then it would work fine?

SolisX commented 6 years ago

Yes i think this might work except you will need a way to off set the start of the icon and name of program. 1.# taskbuttoniconoffset = 0 [0-10] taskbutton

SolisX commented 5 years ago

Don't you forget about me. :(

gijsbers commented 5 years ago

You are on my mind. :) It's quite tedious to implement and not so obvious how to do it neatly. We can postpone this until after the 1.4.3 release. We haven't had a release for over a year... :( Do you expect this to work for Gradients too? Do you expect it to work for taskbuttonactive.xpm, taskbuttonbg.xpm and taskbuttonminimized.xpm?

SolisX commented 5 years ago

Oh thanks i thought you forgot. :) It's up to you when you implement it. You're the coders. Yeah i hope icewm does not go years with out a release. I hope it works with gradients and i think that's the 3 xpms that are needed for the taskbuttons to look properly when using taskbuttons that need to get scaled without getting the stretching of the xpms in beginning and the end of the xpms.

gijsbers commented 5 years ago

@SolisX Do you perhaps have test icons for this?

SolisX commented 5 years ago

@gijsbers Here is Outside-ice with icons to test.

SolisX commented 5 years ago

@gijsbers Tried the icon offset but this is what i get.

This is icon offset set to 1. icon offset not working

gijsbers commented 5 years ago

Icon offset should be 10 here. Try git pull && ./configure --disable-gdk-pixbuf ....

SolisX commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure about the git pull. I did git clone then in the icewm directory i did git pull which told me it's already up-to-date.

This is what i got.

offset compare

I also i noticed in the icewn menu some icons were not showing up.

gijsbers commented 5 years ago

For iconoffset=0 you see the button is stretched. For 16 the diagonal remains the same no matter how task buttons there are on the taskbar. 10 makes more sense and avoids the artifact. You wrote "10 pixels" at the top of this issue too.

Could you perhaps locate a few missing icons and give their paths on your system?

SolisX commented 5 years ago

For me i still get the same artifact whether i set offset to 10 or 16. I tried both i just for got to mention that in the previous comment.

As far as the missing icons in the menu it appears for some reason they have transparency. You can see that firefox seems transparent.

here is a screenhot.


Here is icon offset set to 10.

icon offset 10

BTW: I think you misunderstood what i meant with # taskbuttoniconoffset = 0 [0-10]. I meant icon of the program to not start right on the line of the curve. To be able to offset that. Maybe we will need taskbuttonoffset and taskbuttoniconoffset.


gijsbers commented 5 years ago

Icon offset = 16 is no good. Maybe icon offset = 8 or 9 will have no artifact.

Try icewm --postpreferences | grep IconPath | tr : '\n' and experiment with different orders of the directories. Which directory has the transparent icons?

Now the icon is drawn after the left offset icon. Is this better?

SolisX commented 5 years ago

Ok tried both icon offset at 8 and 9. I got the same results.

offset set at 8

The transparent icon issue appears to be only on the 32bit version of icewm. On the 64bit version of icewm it does not have the issue.

This is what i got from the icewm --postpreferences command.

IconPath="/usr/share/icons/oxygen/base /usr/share/icons/Adwaita /usr/share/icons/hicolor /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor "


prog "Gens" "/usr/share/gens/gens_small.png" gens prog "Fceux" "/usr/share/pixmaps/fceux.png" fceux prog "mupen64plus" "/usr/share/pixmaps/m64py.png" m64py prog "Pcsx-Reloaded" "/usr/share/pixmaps/pcsxr-icon.png" pcsxr prog "Pcsx2" "/usr/share/pixmaps/PCSX2.xpm" PCSX2 prog "pSX" "/usr/share/pixmaps/psxfin" pSX prog "PPSSPP" "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ppsspp.png" ppsspp-qt prog "Snes9x-gtk" "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/snes9x.png" snes9x-gtk prog "VisualBoyAdvanceM" "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/vbam.png" vbam menu "Xebra" "/usr/share/pixmaps/XEBRA" { prog "Xebra" "/usr/share/pixmaps/XEBRA" xebra prog "Cep" "/usr/share/pixmaps/CEP.png" cep prog "Memory Manager" "/usr/share/pixmaps/MCM" mcm prog "SIM" "/usr/share/pixmaps/SIM" sim } prog "Yabause" /usr/share/pixmaps/yabause.png yabause prog "Zsnes" "/usr/share/pixmaps/zsnes.png" zsnes

SolisX commented 5 years ago

@gijsbers Ok i recompiled this time with --enable-gdk-pixbuf and the taskbuttoniconoffset set to 8. It looks great. :). Thank You!


Also i guess i need --enable-gdk-pixpuf so the icons don't look transparent.