bbl-team / Techopolis-2

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Title screen UI scale full screen bug #65

Open Wishbone1977 opened 8 months ago

Wishbone1977 commented 8 months ago

The scaling of the menu on the title screen is off in full screen. The menu is scaled so large that the Quit button is off the bottom of the screen. You have to go out of full screen mode to be able to quit the game.

Version: 3.0

HumdrumPanic commented 8 months ago

I also had this issue - You can change your GUI Scale under video settings and the game will remember where you set it so it doesn't happen every time

Wishbone1977 commented 8 months ago

I'm aware of that, but regardless of UI scale the UI should fit on the screen. Also, the UI scale should be relative to the rendered area. In other words it shouldn't matter if you're running windowed or full screen, the UI should take up the same relative amount of the rendered area either way, which is very much not the case.

I get the sense that you're under the impression I'm asking for help. I'm not, I'm simply submitting a bug report.

HumdrumPanic commented 8 months ago

I was just relaying a quick fix to anyone else who comes across this issue, not just you, since this is a public github. I also wanted to add that I confirmed this bug on my system as well, since the more people that comment on an issue lets the dev/modpack team know which issues are affecting more people to help them prioritize fixes.

Wishbone1977 commented 8 months ago

That's fair enough, although I don't hold out much hope of a fix (for anything) coming anytime soon. The last commit here was on May 13, so it certainly seems like this pack has reached EOL.