bbloomf / jgabc
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Provide new function for "Psalms tones" #32

Closed mimo38 closed 5 years ago

mimo38 commented 5 years ago

Excuse my bad English, but is it possible to add a function to repeat the first psalm verse, or a "format verse" full-tex (tex-plain) to introduce a psalm in a tex document (and download all psalms in full-tex !) ? Thank you to your work !

bbloomf commented 5 years ago

I'm not certain what you're asking for.

Are you just asking for an option to start the verses with the first verse instead of the second?

That would be easy enough to add.

mimo38 commented 5 years ago

Yes it is just it. As it exists "gabc-plain", starting with the first verse : capture d ecran 2019-01-17 a 19 01 23

mimo38 commented 5 years ago

Do you need more detail ?

bbloomf commented 5 years ago

No, I just forgot about this in the midst of some other things I was working on.

I just added a new checkbox "GABC for first verse" which will control whether the first verse is forced to be run as GABC instead of the selected format. Simply uncheck this box, and then click Download ZIP.

mimo38 commented 5 years ago

Thank you ! It’s a real time saver for me!