bbmcmann / 307MovieProject

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Movies Recommendations (Branch PR) #89

Closed davidh167 closed 1 year ago

davidh167 commented 1 year ago

Movie Recommendations (and in conjunction, Movie Suggestions) have been implemented through the implementation of the MoviesList Component.

The body of the component contains an updated useEffect statement which correctly retrieves the data corresponding to the current page it is asked to render (Recommendations or Suggestions). Additionally, its return function also contains the appropriate logic to determine which list of movies (and associated data) should be rendered.

The backend has also been updated to reflect the need for more database calls to retrieve the necessary data to create the recommendations list for the current user.

To Test: Log in to your profile of choice and create at least 1 review (always best to have more to be safe). Upon clicking on the suggestions button, you should be greeted with a list of movies from which you can choose.