bbogush / nand_programmer

NANDO - NAND Open programmer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NANDO Eagle PCB (48pin ZIF) #41

Open kooroshi60 opened 3 years ago

kooroshi60 commented 3 years ago

Here is an another variant of PCB for this great project. (Eagle 9 Format + PDF) -Since the track clearance is .15mm, this PCB has to be made with Photo Resist film technic. Toner transfer method is not precise enough. -This is a double layer PCB so don't forget to solder VIAs. -All the components except the USB connector are SMD. -You can find the value of the components in the Eagle files. -You can either use a 48pin ZIF IC Socket or 4 rows of pin headers in order to support 7.2mm and 15.24mm ZIFs. -There are 18 pins of the socket which need a VIA wire. Other pins of ZIF socket and the USB connector are routed from Bottom layer. NANDO Bottom.pdf NANDO TOP.pdf

kooroshi60 commented 3 years ago

I was wondering if it is possible to use the STM32f103VET6 instead of VCT6? VET6 is a bit more expensive; but what if some one has it available?! Based on the datasheet, the only difference is the flash memory size. Actually I had done this before on a STM32 development board and it works.

bbogush commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing ZIF schematic. VET6 and VDT6 should also work, the redundant memory will not be used.

kooroshi60 commented 2 years ago

And here is a picture of the completed Nando programmer. Many thanks to Mr. Bogush

NANDO front1 h

bbogush commented 2 years ago

Very nice PCB. Thank you!

ucsoom commented 1 year ago

I created a programmer like yours based on your PCB file. The trouble now is that I have searched the internet for a suitable hex file for this programmer. Could you please send the hex file of your programmer? My email address is

ucsoom commented 1 year ago


bbogush commented 1 year ago

@ucsoom all hex files are located on Google driver

ucsoom commented 1 year ago

The website you sent cannot be accessed

whitcloudfly commented 5 months ago
