bbolker / broom.mixed

tidy methods for mixed models in R
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Columns "group" and "term" of tidy.brmsfit() output contain "NULL" cells for some models #147

Closed matthieu-bruneaux closed 3 months ago

matthieu-bruneaux commented 6 months ago

The output of tidy.brmsfit() contains NULLs in the columns "group" and "term" for some models. This seems to happen when a model does not have a ran_pars component (e.g. a binomial response without random effects).

Here is a small reproducible example:

library(brms)        # version 2.20.4
library(broom.mixed) # version

# Example taken from ?brms::brm
ntrials <- sample(1:10, 100, TRUE)
success <- rbinom(100, size = ntrials, prob = 0.4)
x <- rnorm(100)
data4 <- data.frame(ntrials, success, x)
fit4 <- brm(success | trials(ntrials) ~ x, data = data4,
            family = binomial("probit"))

# Issue with group/term colums when running tidy.brmsfit()

## # A tibble: 2 × 8
##   effect component group  term  estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>  <chr>     <list> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 fixed  cond      <NULL> NULL   -0.107     0.0534   -0.213  -0.00269
## 2 fixed  cond      <NULL> NULL   -0.0575    0.0574   -0.168   0.0570 
## Warning message:
## In stri_replace_first_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement),  :
##   argument is not an atomic vector; coercing

The expected output would be:

## # A tibble: 2 × 8
##   effect component group term        estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>  <chr>     <lgl> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 fixed  cond      NA    (Intercept)  -0.107     0.0534   -0.213  -0.00269
## 2 fixed  cond      NA    x            -0.0575    0.0574   -0.168   0.0570 
matthieu-bruneaux commented 6 months ago

I hope the submitted fix works fine, please let me know if you would like me to modify it in any way (or add more tests).

Thank you for this great package!

vaisvila commented 3 months ago

I am having the same issue when random effects are not included in the model. @matthieu-bruneaux Have you found a workaround until your fix gets implemented?

matthieu-bruneaux commented 3 months ago

One way to work around this is to define your own updated version of the tidy.brmsfit() method (using the code submitted in #148) after loading the broom.mixed package into your R script. When calling tidy() on a brmsfit object later in your script, your own updated version of tidy.brmsfit() will thus be called rather than the version from broom.mixed.

As an example, below is a small R script where I define my own tidy.brmsfit() function based on the submitted code in #148 after loading broom.mixed. I then fit a model with brm() using a binomial response, and check that tidy() works fine for such a model without random effects.

(The definition of tidy.brmsfit() is quite long and I had to add a few broom.mixed::: and tibble:: to solve some namespace issues, hopefully I didn't introduce bugs when modifying it!)

library(brms)        # version 2.21.0
library(broom.mixed) # version

# ------------ Below is a modified version of tidy.brmsfit() which contains the fix
#              submitted in
tidy.brmsfit <- function(x, parameters = NA,
                         effects = c("fixed", "ran_pars"),
                         robust = FALSE, = TRUE,
                         conf.level = 0.95,
                         conf.method = c("quantile", "HPDinterval"),
                         fix.intercept = TRUE,
                         exponentiate = FALSE,
                         ...) {
  std.error <- NULL ## NSE/code check
  if (!requireNamespace("brms", quietly=TRUE)) {
      stop("can't tidy brms objects without brms installed")
  xr <- brms::restructure(x)
  has_ranef <- nrow(xr$ranef)>0
  if (any(grepl("_", rownames(fixef(x)))) ||
        (has_ranef && any(grepl("_", names(ranef(x)))))) {
      warning("some parameter names contain underscores: term naming may be unreliable!")
  use_effects <- anyNA(parameters)
  conf.method <- match.arg(conf.method)
  is.multiresp <- length(x$formula$forms)>1
  ## make regular expression from a list of prefixes
  mkRE <- function(x,LB=FALSE) {
      pref <- "(^|_)"
      if (LB) pref <- sprintf("(?<=%s)",pref)
      sprintf("%s(%s)", pref, paste(unlist(x), collapse = "|"))
  ## NOT USED:  could use this (or something like) to
  ##  obviate need for gsub("_","",str_extract(...)) pattern ...
  prefs_LB <- list(
      fixed = "b_", ran_vals = "r_",
      ## don't want to remove these pieces, so use look*behind*
      ran_pars =   sprintf("(?<=(%s))", c("sd_", "cor_", "sigma")),
      components = sprintf("(?<=%s)", c("zi_","disp_"))
  prefs <- list(
      fixed = "b_", ran_vals = "r_",
      ## no lookahead (doesn't work with grep[l])
      ran_pars = c("sd_", "cor_", "sigma"),
      components = c("zi_", "disp_")
  pref_RE <- mkRE(prefs[effects])
  if (use_effects) {
    ## prefixes distinguishing fixed, random effects
    parameters <- pref_RE
  samples <- broom.mixed:::get_draws(x, parameters)
  if (is.null(samples)) {
    stop("No parameter name matches the specified pattern.",
      call. = FALSE
  terms <- names(samples)
  if (use_effects) {
      if (is.multiresp) {
        if ("ran_pars" %in% effects && any(grepl("^sd",terms))) {
           warning("ran_pars response/group tidying for multi-response models is currently incorrect")
        ## FIXME: unfinished attempt to fix GH #39
        ## extract response component from terms
        ## resp0 <- strsplit(terms, "_+")
        ## resp1 <- sapply(resp0,
        ##          function(x) if (length(x)==2) x[2] else x[length(x)-1])
        ## ## put the pieces back together
        ## t0 <- lapply(resp0,
        ##          function(x) if (length(x)==2) x[1] else x[-(length(x)-1)])
        ## t1 <- lapply(t0,
        ##          function(x)
        ##              case_when(
        ##                  x[[1]]=="b"  ~ sprintf("b%s",x[[2]]),
        ##                  x[[2]]=="sd" ~ sprintf("sd_%s__%s",x[[2]],x[[3]]),
        ##                  x[[3]]=="cor" ~ sprintf("cor_%s_%s_%s_%s",
        ##                                          x[[2]],x[[3]],x[[4]],x[[5]])
        ##              ))
        ## resp0 <- stringr::str_extract_all(terms, "_[^_]+")
        ## resp1 <- lapply(resp0, gsub, pattern= "^_", replacement="")
        response <- gsub("^_","",stringr::str_extract(terms,"_[^_]+"))
        terms <- sub("_[^_]+","",terms)
    res_list <- list()
    fixed.only <- identical(effects, "fixed")
    if ("fixed" %in% effects) {
      ## empty tibble: NA columns will be filled in as appropriate
      nfixed <- sum(grepl(prefs[["fixed"]], terms))
      res_list$fixed <- tibble::as_tibble(matrix(nrow = nfixed, ncol = 0))
    grpfun <- function(x) {
        if (grepl("sigma",x[[1]])) "Residual" else x[[2]]
    if ("ran_pars" %in% effects) {
      rterms <- grep(mkRE(prefs$ran_pars), terms, value = TRUE)
      ss <- strsplit(rterms, "__")
      pp <- "^(cor|sd)(?=(_))"
      nodash <- function(x) gsub("^_", "", x)
      ##  split the first term (cor/sd) into tag + group
      ss2 <- lapply(
        function(x) {
          if (! <- stringr::str_extract(x[1], pp))) {
            return(c(pref, nodash(stringr::str_remove(x[1], pp)), x[-1]))
      sep <- getOption("broom.mixed.sep1")
      termfun <- function(x) {
        if (grepl("^sigma",x[[1]])) {
            paste("sd", "Observation", sep = sep)
        } else {
            ## re-attach remaining terms
                  paste(x[3:length(x)], collapse = "."),
                  sep = sep
      res_list$ran_pars <-
          group = sapply(ss2, grpfun),
          term = sapply(ss2, termfun)
    if ("ran_vals" %in% effects) {
      rterms <- grep(mkRE(prefs$ran_vals), terms, value = TRUE)

      vals <- stringr::str_match_all(rterms, "_(.+?)\\[(.+?),(.+?)\\]")

      res_list$ran_vals <-
          group = purrr::map_chr(vals, function (v) { v[[2]] }),
          term = purrr::map_chr(vals, function (v) { v[[4]] }),
          level = purrr::map_chr(vals, function (v) { v[[3]] })

    out <- dplyr::bind_rows(res_list, .id = "effect")
    # In the case where nrow(res_list$fixed) > 0 but nrow(res_list$ran_pars) == 0,
    # the out object needs to be fixed a bit (replace columns with unexpected
    # lists of NULL by expected vectors of NA).
    for (col in c("group", "term")) {
      if (is.list(out[[col]]) && all(sapply(out[[col]], is.null))) {
        out[[col]] <- rep(NA, nrow(out))
    v <- if (fixed.only) seq(nrow(out)) else$term)
    newterms <- stringr::str_remove(terms[v], mkRE(prefs[c("fixed")]))
    if (fixed.only) {
      out$term <- newterms
    } else {
      out$term[v] <- newterms
    if (is.multiresp) {
        out$response <- response
    ## prefixes already removed for ran_vals; don't remove for ran_pars
  } else {
    ## if !use_effects
    out <- dplyr::tibble(term = names(samples))
  pointfun <- if (robust) stats::median else base::mean
  stdfun <- if (robust) stats::mad else stats::sd
  out$estimate <- apply(samples, 2, pointfun)
  out$std.error <- apply(samples, 2, stdfun)
  if ( {

    stopifnot(length(conf.level) == 1L)
    probs <- c((1 - conf.level) / 2, 1 - (1 - conf.level) / 2)
    if (conf.method == "HPDinterval") {
        cc <- coda::HPDinterval(coda::as.mcmc(samples), prob=conf.level)
    } else {
        cc <- t(apply(samples, 2, stats::quantile, probs = probs))
    out$conf.low <- cc[,1]
    out$conf.high <- cc[,2]
  ## figure out component
  out$component <- dplyr::case_when(grepl("(^|_)zi",out$term) ~ "zi",
                                    ## ??? is this possible in brms models
                                    grepl("^disp",out$term) ~ "disp",
                                    TRUE ~ "cond")
  if (exponentiate) {
    vv <- c("estimate", "conf.low", "conf.high")
    out <- (out
      %>% mutate(across(contains(vv), exp))
      %>% mutate(across(std.error, ~ . * estimate))

  out$term <- stringr::str_remove(out$term,mkRE(prefs[["components"]],
  if (fix.intercept) {
      ## use lookahead/lookbehind: replace Intercept with word boundary
      ## or underscore before/after by (Intercept) - without removing
      ## underscores!
      out$term <- stringr::str_replace(out$term,
  out <- broom.mixed:::reorder_cols(out)
# ------------ End of updated tidy.brmsfit() method

# Model example taken from ?brms::brm
set.seed(4) # added for reproducibility
ntrials <- sample(1:10, 100, TRUE)
success <- rbinom(100, size = ntrials, prob = 0.4)
x <- rnorm(100)
data4 <- data.frame(ntrials, success, x)
fit4 <- brm(success | trials(ntrials) ~ x, data = data4,
            family = binomial("probit"))

# "group" and "term" columns look ok in the tidy summary

## # A tibble: 2 × 8
##   effect component group term        estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>  <chr>     <lgl> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 fixed  cond      NA    (Intercept)  -0.316     0.0557   -0.426   -0.206 
## 2 fixed  cond      NA    x            -0.0540    0.0569   -0.164    0.0552

I hope this helps :)

bbolker commented 3 months ago


Now that I've merged this PR, you should be able to remotes::install_github("bbolker/broom.mixed") ...

vaisvila commented 3 months ago

Thank you both, great!