bbolker / broom.mixed

tidy methods for mixed models in R
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refactor lme4/nlme/glmmTMB/(glmmADMB?) tidiers #6

Open bbolker opened 6 years ago

bbolker commented 6 years ago

I've gradually been refactoring the lme4 tidiers, moving away from the broom::fix*() functions - instead, make sure columns are renamed appropriately on the fly, and use tibble::rownames_to_column() as appropriate. Need to make sure that code is re-used appropriately and that behaviour is a similar as possible across these cases.

GuiMarthe commented 6 years ago

Should there be a set of default parameters in the tidy/augment/glance that are built-in into all supported models? This would allow for a common api, with changes only to the arguments of the broom.mixed functions.

bbolker commented 6 years ago

can you be more specific? give an example?

GuiMarthe commented 6 years ago

I'm thinking something along the lines of every tidy function should at least have the following parameters:

Or should each model have an independently maintained set of functions that don't necessarily have to the same parameters. (Like brms with "intervals", since credible intervals != confidence intervals).

I'm thinking of a more unified api among mixed models tidiers.

bbolker commented 6 years ago

good points.

So the questions are:

@dgrtwo ? Opinions?

paul-buerkner commented 6 years ago

I think that since we are splitting up parts of broom, this is our chance to get naming conventions straight and general enough. We won't get it again in a similar way. So my preference would be to break all broom-compatibility we need to break in order to have consistent conventions that "feel right" going forward.

With regard to the specific names, I prefer using intervals, lower/upper and transform.

dmenne commented 6 years ago

Agreed, but probably better singular (interval)