Uglify is unable to compress the files "converter.js" and "chart-mixing.js" because function are defined as ES6 and the official Uglify branch doesn't undestand ES6.
It is an issue for example for Laravel users that want to use vue-morris, because their webpack configuration uses Uglify.
It is an small change without performance impact that is going to improve the compatibility with Uglify-js and some frameworks like Laravel.
Uglify is unable to compress the files "converter.js" and "chart-mixing.js" because function are defined as ES6 and the official Uglify branch doesn't undestand ES6.
It is an issue for example for Laravel users that want to use vue-morris, because their webpack configuration uses Uglify.
It is an small change without performance impact that is going to improve the compatibility with Uglify-js and some frameworks like Laravel.