bboyairwreck / PieMessage

This is project allows Android clients to communicate using iMessage
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ERROR: OSX input/output has not be set. Can't send client's message to OSX #14

Open johnmarhut opened 8 years ago

johnmarhut commented 8 years ago


I have just installed piemessage and keep seeing this error in the terminal whenever I try to send a message. The phone is clearly connected to the server but it won't send the message

ERROR: OSX input/output has not be set. Can't send client's message to OSX Lost connection Lost connection of Mobile Client

reoscorpio commented 7 years ago

Has anyone found a solution to this? I have the same error.

It shows in the javaserver terminal window my attempted mobile number as well as the message but nothing goes through.


MrUnlockedTech commented 7 years ago

Have you all found a solution? I have forwarded port 5000, but still does not work.

JTatum95 commented 7 years ago

Are you running via terminal or GUI? I was running via terminal with ./gradlew instead of gradle run and was getting this error. Downloading gradle and running with gradle run fixed it for me. I also changed a couple of other things but I don't think that would be it.