bboyairwreck / PieMessage

This is project allows Android clients to communicate using iMessage
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Public IP for OSX device means the Mac need to connect directly to Internet? #20

Open patriotzhou opened 8 years ago

patriotzhou commented 8 years ago

Can we use Mac behind the router/firewall?


spencerelliott commented 8 years ago

You can definitely use it with a router. You can add your Mac's IP address to the router's DMZ so it acts as if it is connected directly to the internet. You can always forward ports to and from your Mac using router settings.

tanaysood commented 8 years ago

So if we just get the public IP address of the mac while it is connected through a router and configure the OSXClient using that, it will not work?

belericant commented 8 years ago

The "public" IP address of the Mac is a private IP address because it is connected to your LAN Network or router. That IP will not work. After you add you Mac to your router's DMZ, you configure your client with your router's out facing or WAN IP.

mentalbob commented 8 years ago

Or if your router supports it, you can set up a port forwarding rule for PieMessage's port(s) to your private IP address. As above, you'd configure your client with WAN IP address (router's external IP address). This way you aren't exposing all of your Mac's ports like you would in the DMZ.

webxl commented 8 years ago

All you need to do is setup forwarding on port 5000 from your firewall's public IP to your Mac's IP.

epardee commented 7 years ago

Another option is ngrok: