bboyairwreck / PieMessage

This is project allows Android clients to communicate using iMessage
1.04k stars 166 forks source link

Please Help! #35

Open Jonathanmartian opened 7 years ago

Jonathanmartian commented 7 years ago

Can someone PLEASE leave a step by step tutorial for those of us that have never done a day of coding in our lives, and actually explain how?? Tired of all these "Just do it" tutorials. Or maybe even assemble the APK file for us? Please and thank you!

megamaiku commented 7 years ago

Tired of all these "Just do it" tutorials.

Dang, this just got serious!

jelimoore commented 7 years ago

This isn't meant as a end-user thing. If you don't understand basic Linux command line (which I can assume you don't) then I would definitely stay away from this.

Jonathanmartian commented 7 years ago

Sorry if I came off a bit rude. Just frustrated is all. Pretty disappointed that I don't have access to this/dont know anything about coding :(

JTatum95 commented 7 years ago

Here's the thing.

  1. To run this at all you will need an iMac or a Mac server. If you don't have that you can't do anything.
  2. Even while running, this project doesn't work consistently and some people can't get it to run properly at all. That is why it is on GitHub, because it is in great need of work. Right now it is a concept, and not public for users. I think you are greatly overestimating the functionality of this project.

For everyone who wants a commercial app and doesn't want the coding, check the play store. There are a few SMS iMessage apps that are paid services, but work perfectly. Also there are plenty of free browser extensions that allow you to text from them.

Jonathanmartian commented 7 years ago

I do have a mac, but I see your point. Thanx, I'll try the play store.

philow commented 7 years ago

Also check out what shusain93 did in issue number 32. I use his work. He has a Mac server component and an APK you can install.

Asima13 commented 7 years ago

JTatum - could you give us the names of some of those services you speak of? I wasn't able to successfully get this going so I'd appreciate if you could tell us what apps paid or otherwise that also let you use iMessages on Android Thanks!

megamaiku commented 7 years ago

I definitely think this project deserves some attention, but when you're coding for free, you're going to prioritize other paid projects. I think if enough people showed interest, it could motivate the developer to take this project to Kickstarter.

JTatum95 commented 7 years ago

I use pushbullet (browser extension). Mightytext also does a similar thing. SMS for iChat is an app in the play store and I know there is one clone like it.

Also, I agree. I definitely think this is a great project, that's why I am here. But, it isn't near complete, and for that reason, not designed for people who don't know what they are doing to try to use it. I would love it if this could get funded and go somewhere.

aspranav commented 6 years ago

@philow wheres the APK file Link me the URL please

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philow commented 6 years ago


aspranav commented 6 years ago

@philow lmao I got it thanks but I don't even have a OSX proxy 😂 dead

Sent from my Lge LG-H812 using FastHub

Auvenell commented 6 years ago

Can confirm @shusain93's alternative is working.