bbqkees / ems-esp-domoticz-plugin

Domoticz plugin for the EMS Wi-Fi Gateway with Proddy's EMS-ESP firmware
MIT License
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Enable mqtt username/password authentication #6

Closed hlugt closed 4 years ago

hlugt commented 4 years ago


It seems Domoticz mqtt lib contains easy authentication adding. I have only added the parameters to the config area of the and Domoticz picks them up as additional properties. I am now able to use username/password. (And if kept empty it will again of course only work as anonymous is allowed). So maybe you can/would like to add it to your code? Tia!

<plugin key="ems-gateway" name="EMS bus Wi-Fi Gateway DEV" version="0.7">
      Plugin to interface with EMS bus equipped Bosch brands boilers together with the EMS-ESP firmware '<a href=""> from Proddy</a>'<br/>
      <i>Please update the firmware of the Gateway to 1.9.4 or higher for proper functionality.</i><br/>
      As of firmware 1.9.2 the plugin supports 4 heating zones (HC1 to HC4). If you only have one thermostat/zone, the Gateway usually listens to zone 1.<br/>
      Automatically creates Domoticz devices for connected EMS devices.<br/> Do not forget to "Accept new Hardware Devices" on first run<br/>
    <b>MQTT server and port</b><br/>
    MQTT Server address is usually, but not always, at the same address as the machine where Domoticz is running. So the 'local' machine at<br/>
    The default port is 1883 and no user or password.<br/>
    <b>MQTT topic</b><br/>
    The default MQTT topic folder this plugin will look in is 'home/ems-esp/'.<br/>
    Make sure that this is set accordingly in the EMS-ESP firmware settings. In the latest versions the default topic is just ems-esp.<br/>
    You can change it here or in the Gateway web interface if its set differently.<br/>
        <param field="Address" label="MQTT Server address" width="300px" required="true" default=""/>
        <param field="Port" label="Port" width="300px" required="true" default="1883"/>
        <param field="Username" label="Username" width="300px"/>
        <param field="Password" label="Password" width="300px" default="" password="true"/>
        <param field="Mode1" label="Topic base" width="300px" required="true" default="home/ems-esp/"/>
        <param field="Mode6" label="Debug" width="75px">
                <option label="Extra verbose" value="Verbose+"/>
                <option label="Verbose" value="Verbose"/>
                <option label="True" value="Debug"/>
                <option label="False" value="Normal" default="true" />
bbqkees commented 4 years ago

Ok funny thing is I removed that part when I copied the mqtt plugin template because I could not find any references to those parameters in the code. I will add them back. Thanks.