bbradson / Performance-Fish

Performance Mod for RimWorld
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Performance Fish causing Stockpile Zones not to work anymore. #17

Closed AaronHughes closed 11 months ago

AaronHughes commented 11 months ago


So I had an issue with Rimworld for a couple of days, the issue was that I was unable place down Stockpile or Dumping zones on the map, creating the following error:

By removing Performance Fish it fixed the issue entirely.

bbradson commented 11 months ago

What you've run into here is an incompatibility, most likely even with a mod that already throws errors by itself. It's completely impossible to fix something like this without having the other mod involved in the bug, but your error also points at a method that was seeing fixes in recent updates. Make sure you're having the most recent build from github here, auto-updates don't happen. If that does nothing I'll need to know the other mod involved to try look into it further.

AaronHughes commented 11 months ago

Here is the hugslogs report:

I am using the latest version of Performance Fish normally, inlcuding prepatcher and Fishery. The issue still persists.

bbradson commented 11 months ago

I'd need a specific mod there. A log with 437 mods and 100s of unrelated error messages isn't usable. There's been 4 more updates since Prepatcher and Fishery were added as dependencies, too.

bbradson commented 11 months ago

Having skimmed over it, the errors looking the most relevant to me seem to be caused by a mod trying to reference Medieval Overhaul, which you don't have loaded. Medieval Overhaul Tweaks might be dependent on it.

AaronHughes commented 11 months ago

Yeah, that seemed to have fixed it. The zoning now works fine with PF back enabled and MOT removed. Thanks for the help. Not sure why the MOT mod does not force Medieval Overhaul as an dependency.