bbradson / Performance-Fish

Performance Mod for RimWorld
Mozilla Public License 2.0
423 stars 34 forks source link

Outdated Harmony mod detected #36

Closed bbradson closed 2 months ago

bbradson commented 2 months ago

Prepatcher currently includes an outdated copy of harmony compared to what's inside the harmony mod, causing this warning. It's safe to ignore and can be manually fixed by replacing the 0Harmony.dll there with v2.3.3 from the harmony mod

Camsinner commented 2 months ago

Could you add more detailed instructions on how to fix this? I tried to replace the 0Harmony.dll file but it threw horrible amounts of errors when doing so. I did download the Harmony 2.3.3 package but it has a thin version and a fat version, Plus all of the Net(insertversionhere) folders.

bbradson commented 2 months ago

It's harmless and can be ignored. The Harmony mod's Current/Assemblies folder contains the current version Fish is looking for, Prepatcher's Assemblies folder has the older version that instead gets loaded. If you want to get rid of the error, copy 0Harmony.dll from that Current/Assemblies folder into Prepatcher's Assemblies folder, overwriting 1 file, but it's not at all necessary to do that. Zetrith will likely update soon to have it fixed there too

quicksilverfox commented 2 months ago

For some reason now only 2 out of 4 hydroponic basin cells are working

Edit: all 4 are working, but 2 out of 4 plants are drawn under basin

TonyRettich commented 2 months ago

I also have the same bug as quicksilverfox, but it doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all, only cosmetic. Also, thank you so much for updating this mod!

bbradson commented 2 months ago

Looks like Prepatcher now updated, so this shouldn't be an issue anymore. Plant clipping is fixed too