bbradson / Performance-Fish

Performance Mod for RimWorld
Mozilla Public License 2.0
423 stars 34 forks source link

Seemingly random unity crashes (RW 1.5, Modded) #44

Open D3nnis3n opened 2 months ago

D3nnis3n commented 2 months ago

Hey there, since installation of Fishery I'm getting seemingly random Unity Crashes.

I have attached the crashdumps + playerlogs, might be related to Variety Matters? (VarietyMatters.New.Performance.FastLazy) I have confirmed that when Performance Fish is not active no crashes happen - but I am of course not sure if that makes Performance Fish the cause. Please feel free to let me know if there is a different mod that is the cause and I'll gladly let them know.

Thanks for the great performance boost.

D3nnis3n commented 2 months ago

It seems I mostly get these crashes when clicking either on a pawn or a storage containing food, but it's not always, rather like every 15 - 20 minutes.

Jonblu11 commented 2 months ago

I can add to this: I get a guaranteed crash when linking together two storage containers. At first I thought it was an error with Eccentric Tech - Spacer Furniture's fridges, but I managed to crash on a minimum mod list of only Performance Fish plus its requisites. Removing Performance Fish allows linking together storage containers without the unrecoverable freeze. Player.log

Here's the steps I took to replicate it:

  1. Only have Rimworld + the 4 DLCs, Prepatcher, Harmony, Fishery, and Performance Fish
  2. Dev Quicktest
  3. Godmode then spawn two shelves and link them
  4. Game unrecoverably freezes
Slinetina commented 2 months ago

same thing happening to me....linking full shelves or food droppers crashes the game

D3nnis3n commented 2 months ago

Just to clarify: I also got my crashes when clicking pawns and I never linked shelves, as I use LWM's Deep Storage. So I am not sure if we have the same cause. You might all also want to post your crash dumps / logs, you can find them in

%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios (Type into "run" to immediately go there)

They do get deleted if not taken out in good time, as its a temp folder, though. So best to do after you got a crash.

I'm not sure if the HugsLib Log is the same as the player log, that might also be helpful for the developer.

TonyRettich commented 2 months ago

I also have been having the random unity crashes. I think it has to do with LWM Storage, or Vanilla Framework expanded.

EDIT: I removed Deep Storage and have been playing without a crash for a while, I think the issue is there.

sunxyw commented 2 months ago

I dont have Deep Storage but encounter this issues as well.

Slinetina commented 2 months ago

I have only the 3 performance mods and it happens only when trying to link filled storage containers

BR184 commented 2 months ago

same crash when link storage containers

litelesslive commented 2 months ago

Confirming that linking storages does crash the game, which also started happening after I updated the performance fish and fishery. Before, it did not happen. Player.log

0xc355 commented 2 months ago

Hi, I can add some data to this. I can produce this very reliably (although I don't know if it's the exact same problem as everyone else):

  1. Modlist is just:
    • prepatcher
    • harmony
    • core
    • performance fish
    • royalty
    • ideology
    • biotech
    • anomaly
  2. Open a devtest colony
  3. Pause
  4. use godmode to spawn in a stonecutter's bench, and a shelf
  5. rename the shelf test1
  6. add a bill to create a specific stone block like marble blocks (I have not been able to reproduce with "produce any stone block bill") and take to test1
  7. Unpause
  8. The game now crashes (actually it doesn't crash with a report, but rather it hangs until you force quit the process)

Some notes: I have not been able to get it to crash when saving the game before I unpaused and loading the game with the same settings that would have crashed it.

Edit: I think I narrowed it down to the exact patch: TryFindBestBetterStoreCellForWorker. Turning that off removes this particular crash.

BluerDR commented 2 months ago

same crash when link storage containers

bbradson commented 2 weeks ago

The storage linking crash should be solved now. The other variety matters crash mentioned once here originates from a fishery bug and will be fixed in the near future, after finalizing a refactor and verifying that it's not causing conflicts with other mods referencing the library