bbredesen / go-vk

A Go binding around the Vulkan graphics and compute API.
MIT License
63 stars 3 forks source link

Linux extensions missing #11

Open onitake opened 3 weeks ago

onitake commented 3 weeks ago

The readme states that go-vk is untested on Linux, but it's currently not possible to use it at all: All surface extensions are missing. I can see that vk-gen contains the necessary platform mappings, but I don't see any files in go-vk that contain the resulting enums, commands and data structures.

Could you please make sure that all Linux-specific platform code is included in go-vk?


onitake commented 3 weeks ago

Examples of missing extensions:

onitake commented 3 weeks ago

If I run vk-gen with this command line, it will produce the necessary sources:

go run main.go -inFile vk.xml -outDir vk -platform win32,macos,metal,xlib,xlib_xrandr,xcb,wayland,directfb