Analogue of the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) for three-dimensional images. Includes an image processing and linear algebra library with feature matching and RANSAC regression. Also includes IO functions supporting a variety of image formats.
Interesting work! I just ran into a problem on Matlab when getting started. I followed the installing instructions from source on Mac and tried to test the examples. It seems that the mex files (such as mexImRead3D.c) are not compiled after running setupSift3D.m: "Unrecognized function or variable 'mexImRead3D'".
Did I miss anything? I am only familiar with Matlab :)
Dear Blaine,
Interesting work! I just ran into a problem on Matlab when getting started. I followed the installing instructions from source on Mac and tried to test the examples. It seems that the mex files (such as mexImRead3D.c) are not compiled after running setupSift3D.m: "Unrecognized function or variable 'mexImRead3D'".
Did I miss anything? I am only familiar with Matlab :)
Thank you!